Cellular Phone Service Plan Gathers Steam in Up-Island Towns

By this time next summer, it may be possible to watch the sunset
from the Aquinnah cliffs and talk - uninterrupted - on a
cell phone.

That is the hope anyway of Jeffrey Burgoyne, Aquinnah town
administrator, who along with selectmen from Chilmark and West Tisbury,
has been working for the past two years to launch a project to install a
partially underground system to make uniform cell phone service
available in the up-Island towns.

Economy Here Remains Steady

Economy Here Remains Steady

Retailers and Bankers on Island Report Slight Increases in Sales
Over Last Summer; Forecast for Autumn Very Strong


Business is here and more is coming.

Island merchants overall report they are up six to 12 per cent over
last year at this point in the season and visitor indicators for August
and beyond are strong, most business owners say.

Starved, Needing More Sand: Inkwell Beach in Oak Bluffs

The Inkwell Beach is a symbol of pride for many Islanders,
especially African Americans, whose families have visited this stretch
of sand for generations.

The beach - which is no longer than a football field and
bookmarked on both sides by jetties - does not have the royal
vistas of Lucy Vincent or the commercial appeal of South Beach.

Ethicist Peter Singer Places Tough Questions Before Crowd at Hebrew Center Lecture

Imagine, for a moment, that you are out walking, and come across a
child obviously drowning in a pond.

There is no one else around. You know the pond is not deep enough to
drown you and that there are no dangerous things, like alligators, in
the water. The only small cost to you is that you might ruin a good pair
of shoes, and your clothes will need dry cleaning.

Changing Routes for Tour Buses Hurt Shops at Aquinnah Cliffs

Changing Routes for Tour Buses Hurt Shops at Aquinnah Cliffs


There is only one listing under Tourist Attractions in the Vineyard
Yellow Pages. It's the Gay Head Lighthouse at 9 Aquinnah Circle.
Despite its status as one of the Island's most breathtaking views,
fewer tourists than usual will see it this summer due to a change in
tour bus routes.

Edgartown Names Two Finalists for Elementary School Principal

The Edgartown School is set to have a new principal by the end of
the week, Vineyard schools superintendent Dr. James H. Weiss said

Mr. Weiss and the school committee will decide between two finalists
selected from a pool of five semi-finalists who were interviewed last

The finalists are Richard Hamasian, an assistant principal in
Connecticut, and John Stevens, a principal in Florida.

Massachusetts Estuaries Study Ready to Release First Report

The first of the long-awaited studies of the health of Vineyard
ponds by the Massachusetts Estuaries Project is set to be released
within weeks and will recommend significant changes to the management of
the Edgartown Great Pond.

Plan to Refurbish Beach Stirs Emotion

Plan to Refurbish Beach Stirs Emotion


Thomas Wirth unrolled a map mounted on two poles and planted them in
the sand on Inkwell beach in Oak Bluffs last Thursday morning. Mr.
Wirth, who worked as the landscape architect for the PBS programs This
Old House and Victory Garden for 20 years, has drafted a design concept
for this section of waterfront, in conjunction with the Oak Bluffs
Boardwalk to Beach Task Force.

Plan to Refurbish Beach Stirs Emotion

Plan to Refurbish Beach Stirs Emotion


Thomas Wirth unrolled a map mounted on two poles and planted them in
the sand on Inkwell beach in Oak Bluffs last Thursday morning. Mr.
Wirth, who worked as the landscape architect for the PBS programs This
Old House and Victory Garden for 20 years, has drafted a design concept
for this section of waterfront, in conjunction with the Oak Bluffs
Boardwalk to Beach Task Force.

Weekend of Events Benefits Program for Rental Homes

Plan to Refurbish Beach Stirs Emotion


Thomas Wirth unrolled a map mounted on two poles and planted them in
the sand on Inkwell beach in Oak Bluffs last Thursday morning. Mr.
Wirth, who worked as the landscape architect for the PBS programs This
Old House and Victory Garden for 20 years, has drafted a design concept
for this section of waterfront, in conjunction with the Oak Bluffs
Boardwalk to Beach Task Force.
