Island Towns Found Lacking on Fluoride in Water Supplies

Energy Zone Raises Doubts

Feasibility of Proposed Area Close to Tuckernuck May Be Years Away;
Need Grows for Clean Energy


Selectmen across the Island this spring hailed a proposal to
designate an area southeast of Chappaquiddick as a renewable energy
zone, where they would promote offshore projects to supply the Vineyard
and Nantucket with clean electric power.

Rain Fails to Dampen Parade, Fireworks

Rain Fails to Dampen Parade, Fireworks


All it takes to start a parade are some pots and pans and a couple
of kids.

Historic Preservation Commissions Doubt Rune Rock Credibility

A planned expedition to recover a mysterious rune stone on
Noman's Land reportedly inscribed with the name of famous Viking
Leif Eriksson has hit a snag. The state historical commission questions
the plan and the Chilmark historical commission has recommended against
removal of the stone.

Sengekontacket Closed Again

For the second time in less than a month, Sengekontacket Pond has
been closed to shellfishing, and will remain closed indefinitely while
fisheries experts consider what to do about bacterial contamination.

Bob Carroll and Geno Courtney Muse on Being Edgartown Good Old Boys

It is Sunday morning and Bob Carroll and Eugene (Geno) Courtney are sitting in Mr. Carroll’s penthouse apartment at the top of the Harbor View Hotel in Edgartown.

County Manager Wavers on Terms of Resignation

The fragile good will between the Dukes County commission and
outgoing county manager E. Winn Davis began to unravel this week amid
reports that Mr. Davis had refused to sign an agreement preventing him
from bringing a lawsuit against the county in the future.

Edgartown Volunteer Firefighters Take the Blue Ribbon in Muster

Edgartown Volunteer Firefighters Take the Blue Ribbon in Muster


Fireman's muster? Gusto a must! Never lackluster. No bluster.
New trucks - no dust or rust! Judging just. Inspires trust. For
guts: Hot dogs with mustard!

Land Bank Revenues Sharply Down

Land Bank Revenues Sharply Down


Martha's Vineyard Land Bank revenues fell some 14 per cent in
the fiscal year just ended, as a result of the downturn in the Island
real estate market.

As it closed the books on the fiscal year yesterday, the land bank
reported revenues for the year ending June 30 were just under $11.1
million, compared with a little over $12.9 million the year before.

School Dispute Strains Regional Relations

The 50 year-old regional high school agreement remains intact,
but the trust that has been its mortar for decades may be broken.

Following a special town meeting vote in Chilmark last week, the
cost of operating the regional high school, for the first time in school
history will be divided among the six Island towns based on a state
formula, rather than the enrollment-based formula spelled out in the
regional agreement.

Two Tidal Projects Gain Speed in Energy Development Race

Two Tidal Projects Gain Speed in Energy Development Race


While the proposed Nantucket Sound wind farm continues to grab
headlines and attract political attention, two underwater tidal energy
projects that flank either side of the Vineyard are quietly progressing.
