Land Turbines Grow Popular

While debate continues over the Cape Wind project from the Vineyard
and Nantucket all the way to the halls of the United States Congress,
several onshore wind turbine projects are now quietly under way with
considerably less fanfare.

Commission Votes to Approve Kennedy Family Property Plan

Commission Votes to Approve Kennedy Family Property Plan


Ensuring that Kennedy family members will remain stewards of their
rare Aquinnah estate into the next generation, the Martha's
Vineyard Commission last week approved a subdivision plan for the
366-acre property between Moshup Trail and Squibnocket Pond.

Commission Votes to Approve Kennedy Family Property Plan

Ensuring that Kennedy family members will remain stewards of their rare Aquinnah estate into the next generation, the Martha's Vineyard Commission last week approved a subdivision plan for the 366-acre property between Moshup Trail and Squibnocket Pond.

Five Vie for One Tisbury Selectman's Seat

When Tisbury voters gather Tuesday to elect a selectman, they will
have plenty of choices.

Close Races Return Incumbents to Office: West Tisbury

West Tisbury Voters Back Incumbents


With a narrow show of support for the West Tisbury political
establishment, town voters in the annual election yesterday returned to
office an incumbent selectman and the longtime chairman of the board of

Selectman Jeffrey (Skipper) Manter earned 54 per cent of the vote to
edge James F. Alley, 395-342, and assessor Michael Colaneri fended off
two challengers with 40 per cent approval.

Close Races Return Incumbents to Office: Oak Bluffs

The ranking veteran on the Oak Bluffs board of selectmen held onto
his seat by a whisker yesterday during one the closest races in annual
town election history.

Roger Wey, who has served on the board for 18 years, defeated
challenger Christine Catherine Todd by 489 to 484, a margin of only five
votes. After the polls closed last night, Ms. Todd said she would
formally request a recount in the coming days.

Close Races Return Incumbents to Office: Edgartown

Edgartown Sees Light Turnout; Override Spending Approved


In an election gripped by calm, Edgartown voters yesterday approved
12 borrowing and spending proposals and ousted an incumbent from the
board of health.

Cape Wind Project Snags in Politics on Capitol Hill

Cape Wind Project Snags in Politics on Capitol Hill


When news broke last Friday that a Congressional committee on
Capitol Hill attached language to a federal bill that would grant the
governor of Massachusetts veto power over any offshore wind farm
proposed for Nantucket Sound, some called it a death knell for the Cape
Wind project.

And it does appear to be a significant setback, considering that
Gov. Mitt Romney has long been a vocal opponent of the project.

Our Art Buchwald: Humorist Faces End of His Life with No Qualms

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Predictably, the conversation begins with a string of jokes and the trademark grin that starts as a tiny twinkle in the corner of the eye and then suddenly and uproariously occupies his whole face.

Super Tuesday: West Tisbury

West Tisbury Voters Gather Tuesday


The fate of the West Tisbury town hall has been in limbo since town
voters rejected a cost overrun to the renovation project last November.
But a new direction may emerge next week when voters convene for the
annual town meeting to consider a series of articles that address the
town hall project in different ways.

Voters should be familiar with the topic. The town hall renovation,
in one form or another, has been discussed at six town meetings over the
last three years.
