Five Years and a Day Since the Incident, the Curious Still Come, with Opinions, to Dyke Bridge

“Could you tell me,” they ask, “how to get to the Kennedy Memorial Bridge?” Five years and a day after Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s black Oldsmobile lurched off the Dyke Bridge on Chappaquiddick, the senior Massachusetts senator at the wheel and the doomed Miss Mary Jo Kopechne beside him, tourists keep coming, at least 60 of them a day, to stand and stare at the scene of the Island’s - perhaps the nation’s - most celebrated automobile accident.

Experiment in Marketing: A Real Farmers’ Vegetable Sale

Vegetables, just picked from the garden, can be as colorful and as totally seductive to the eye as a bouquet of flowers, and bring joy to the palate as well. Such vegetables will abound at the Agricultural Hall grounds in West Tisbury on Saturday morning when the first session of the revived Farmers’ Market is held.
Beets and carrots, peas and beans, broccoli and squash and a dozen varieties of lettuce will be on hand at the market along with eggs, and home-baked goods and preserves. A happy hunting ground indeed for the gourmet.

The New Nantucket Makes Herself at Home in Oak Bluffs

Pennant-bedecked and fresh paint, the Steamship Authority’s newest ($3.8 million) and biggest ferryboat (230 feet, 1,000 passengers, 494 net tons of freight), the motor vessel Nantucket, docked Wednesday at the Oak Bluffs wharf for public inspection. The Regional High School band and hundreds of cheering spectators had welcomed her to Woods Hole at the end of her 871-mile voyage from her Jacksonville, Fla., shipyard birthplace. She goes into service from the mainland to Oak Bluffs and Nantucket today.

What the Shooting Is All About: Jaws

The filming of the movie Jaws began that morning on South Beach, and suddenly the parking lot at the end of Katama Road looked like lower Fifth avenue — trucks galore, even a bus. Some had been rented, but others belonging to Universal Studios had traveled the 3,000 miles from Pacific to Atlantic.

Details Prove the Care Taken with Fisher House Restoration

The columns on the Dr. Daniel Fisher house in Edgartown could not be called fakes, because they certainly have done their job of holding up the portico for over 130 years. They are better called copies, for originally they were designed for the Tower of Winds built in Athens from 100 to 35 B. C., and they come highly recommended by Asher Benjamin, who was the godfather of this period of American architecture.

Jaws Crew Goes Down to the Sea: From Courtroom to Beach for Start of Filming

At Katama, shooting started yesterday on Jaws. Around the Universal Studios offices the day before, one wouldn’t have believed it was going to happen.

Jaws Survives a Showdown with Real-Life Selectmen

For a nerve-tattering 24 hours this week, Universal Studios’ production on Martha’s Vineyard of the smash-to-be film Jaws was a suspense story that no audience will ever see.

The $3 1/2-million project had run afoul of the law — the production crew had not gotten permission to do a batch of things it was doing.

And permission-getting, which involves formal public notice (see legal advertisements, Page Two), hearings, and mature deliberation, can be agonizingly long. Production costs are budgeted at $30,000 a day.

New Kelley House Open for Business

For the first time in more than a quarter of a century a full-fledged inn is open year-round in Edgartown center, serving meals as well as offering accommodations.

Planes on the Plain? Sheep in the Hangar? Sky’s the Limit

The firm, flat fields of Katama, the so-called Great Plain - what use could the energetic men of the 1920’s make of the stretching monotony to fully exploit its, well, its...evenness? The twenties were roaring, but on the Great Plains one could barely work up a sigh; the wind from the sea must be bored itself by the time it had blown over the fields and reached Edgartown.

Legislators Stay at New Kelley House in Inn’s Old Tradition

One of the best known traditions of the old Kelley House at Edgartown was its semi-annual entertainment of the Justice of the Superior Court and his suite on the occasion of the sittings of the court in and for the County of Dukes County at Edgartown. The sittings used to fall in April and September, and many stories are still told of Bill Kelley and how, on occasion, he took the judge on a tour of Chappaquiddick while the court stood in recess.
For many years the house opened in time for the spring sitting and closed after the fall sitting.
