Interesting Vineyarders: Rev. Oscar E. Denniston

The student of Vineyard history, at least such history as has been published, will recognize the fact that it was largely through the clergy that things were accomplished during the first hundred and fifty years of the Island’s existence as a colony and province. Not only did they preach the word of God to whites and Indians, but they worked energetically to promote various industries and acted as advisors in settling all manner of disputes which arose, besides writing wills and other legal documents and keeping records, in many cases, being the only ones now existing.

Guests, in Night Panic, Fled from Makoniky Hotel

Vale of Disappointments - so might be called the beautiful spot which is known by the name of Makoniky today, for nowhere on the Vineyard is any place where such a number of enterprises have been established only to fail.

Up-Island Civil Positions Filled

Official notification of their respective appointments as postmaster of Chilmark and West Tisbury have been received by Carl M. Whitkop and Charles A. Turner. Mr. Whitkop’s appointment for Chilmark was dated March 11, while Mr. Turner’s was dated March 19.

Vineyarders Built “Old Ironsides”

“Old Ironsides,” the frigate Constitution, and the most famous of an ship to fly the American flag, was built by a Vineyard man. Furthermore, the head foreman under the builder was also from this Island. These facts are established by historical and genealogical research, recently carried on by the Dukes County Historical Society and by other interested persons, notably F. G. Hillman of New Bedford. Much connecting evidence has been supplied by William J. Rotch and Mrs.

Gazette Dresses Up and Plans for Expansion by Adding New Linotype

The Gazette has, since last week’s issue appeared, completely changed its clothes. The new type dress, by virtue of the installation of a new linotype machine, is not confined to the text of the paper but extends to headlines and most of the large display type in the advertisements.

Letter to Editor

West Tisbury, Dec. 7.
Editor of the Vineyard Gazette:

Will Dedicate Electric Cross

At the Tabernacle at Oak Bluffs next Sunday evening the services will include the dedication of the huge electric cross which will hereafter surmount the edifice. The new lighting system will also be used for the first time that evening.
Mounted on the highest point of the Tabernacle will be the electric cross of white enamel with pure golf leaf border, 12 feet in height. On each side of the cross, 30 powerful lamps will flash their rays. This cross may be seen not only from all points on the Island, but from a distance of from 15 to 20 miles out to sea.

The Vineyard Forest Reserve

With the latest acquisition of land by the state, the order of tak­ing of which by the Department of Conservation was published in last week’s paper, the forest reserve on Martha’s Vineyard comprises about 5000 acres. Encircling the heath hen reservation, which consists of 640 acres, this tract extends over the eastern plain lands, the least valuable of any land on the Island.

‘Round ‘Bout Tisbury

An electric refrigerating plant has been installed in Cronig Brother’s market. It is said that some of the other markets are also to have plants installed.

Bodfishes Heroes of Barnacle Club Blaze

Prompt action and unexcelled presence of mind on the part of Frank Bodfish and Capt. Hartson Bodfish averted what might have been a serious fire in the Barnacle Club at Vineyard Haven yesterday forenoon. Very few members frequent the club during the morning hours and it was by the merest chance that Frank Bodfish entered the room about 10:30 and found it filled with a dense, suffocating smoke.
