Islands United: A Citizen Group Arises

Against a backdrop of growing concern about the direction of
the Steamship Authority and also about a new alliance between
the Vineyard SSA governor and the mainland port communities, an
emerging grass roots citizens group on the Island has issued a
call to reunite Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket on boat line

"We want to make sure that the focus is on the two Islands
and that they are staying together.

July Fourth Parade Salutes National Day; Festivities Draw Applause from Big Crowds

Even though the sun took the Fourth of July off, people
across the Island found plenty of ways to celebrate Independence

The sharp breezes and daunting sky kept folks off the beach.
A survey of Norton Point Beach at midday showed only a handful
of people, most of whom traded sunblock for sweaters. In fact,
more state police than vacationers braved that territory.

The weather and slow morning nudged people toward their
favorite restaurants for a leisurely breakfast.

Fireworks Disaster Averted in Flash Fire Aboard Barge

Fireworks Marred by Accident


Quick response by emergency crews averted disaster when fire
broke out on the barge launching the Independence Day fireworks
over Edgartown harbor.

"It could have been a big disaster. It wasn't. No one was
hurt," Edgartown fire chief Antone A. Bettencourt said.

The accident began about 25 minutes into the half-hour,
$16,000 show, just before a sequence of rockets introduced the
grand finale.

Dancing with Horses

On a Fibar-covered floor at the indoor riding arena at Red Pony Farm, celebrated modern dance choreographer Paula Josa-Jones found a new stage.

When Ms.

Vineyard Turns to Celebrate a Nation; July Fourth Parade and Fireworks Are Set

It's time to pull out the red, white and blue and join with other Islanders for Independence Day festivities. Edgartown plays host tomorrow to a Fourth of July parade and
fireworks display. If you want to join the holiday fun, read along for details about the day.

Tick Expert Doubts Tularemia Theories; Suspicion Shifts to Rats — Not Rabbits

Are rabbits really to blame for last summer's outbreak of tularemia and for what could be a repeat performance this year?

Sam Telford, a parasitologist from Harvard University and the newest member of a team sent here to investigate why such a rare disease has taken hold on the Vineyard, doesn't think so. What's more, Mr. Telford is just as skeptical about the prevailing theory that most victims breathed in air particles contaminated with the tularemia bacteria.

Smoking Ban Starts in Two Island Towns

Not even a last-ditch effort - complete with a petition, more rhetoric and a town health official's surprising endorsement - could stop the smoking ban that went into effect Sunday in Island bars.

Golf Course Developers Accuse Members of MVC With Conflict of Interest

Golf Developers Target MVC


The developers who want to build a luxury golf club in the
southern woodlands section of Oak Bluffs aimed conflict of
interest charges at five members of the Martha's Vineyard
Commission last week, just days before a public hearing was due
to open on a new plan for the golf club.

Army Worms Plunder Chappaquiddick

Army Worms Invade Chappy


The people of Chappaquiddick may have declared an uneasy
truce in their recent war of words over whether to enact a
district of critical planning concern, but this week there was
an army on the move on the small island at the extreme eastern
end of Edgartown - and it had nothing to do with building
moratoriums or long-range planning.

It was an army of worms - in fact an army of army worms -
and at Pimpneymouse Farm they had just finished plundering a
large hayfield on the southwest corner of the farm.

Vineyard Braces for Holiday

Vineyard Braces for Holiday


With Fourth of July falling in the middle of this coming
week, predictions about when the great surge of holiday visitors
will reach the Island are as uncertain as forecasting Vineyard
