Playhouse Launches Capital Campaign

Playhouse Launches Campaign


The home of the Vineyard Playhouse stood strong through
nearly two centuries of Vineyard life. Leaders and friends of
this small professional theatre want to ensure it stands secure
for centuries to come.

Built in 1833 on a pasture donated by Capt. William Daggett,
the Playhouse wears the scars of time. A survey of the building
reveals rotting, chipping and holes.

"It looks like somebody didn't do anything for 20 years,"
Playhouse managing director Josh Sommer said.

Another Top Official Quits in Oak Bluffs

Casey Sharpe, the executive secretary in Oak Bluffs, has
announced she will resign her position effective Sept. 30,
leaving selectmen to search for yet another top manager to guide
their town.

Fast Ferry Prompts Clash; Public Criticizes Leadership of Vineyard SSA Governor

Clash Over Fast Ferries


Steamship Authority leaders clashed openly yesterday over
whether to develop multi-million-dollar high-speed ferry service
from the port of New Bedford to the Vineyard — and how the
public boat line is going to pay for it.

"This high-speed opportunity from New Bedford has the
potential to be the most profitable run in the whole Steamship

Buses Offer Public Expanded Service

Summer of Public Transit


The Vineyard Transit Authority is dedicated to making it
easy to leave the car at home and ride the bus through the busy
summer season.

Lagoon Pond Analysis Ends

Leaching nitrogen from residential households remains the
single biggest threat to the water quality of Lagoon Pond,
according to a recently completed water quality study. In a
report delivered to the Lagoon Pond Association, its author
found significant increases in nitrates entering the pond. The
report is based on a series of water samplings conducted last

Bruce Poole of SP Engineering Inc.

Report Warned of Ferry Engine Failure; SSA Officials Knew Months in Advance

Senior managers at the Steamship Authority knew months in
advance that the starboard engine on the New Bedford passenger
ferry Schamonchi was likely to fail, the Gazette has learned.

A professional marine survey prepared for the boat line
three months ago reported in some detail on the worn condition
of the engine. "The machinery, especially the starboard engine,
is approaching the end of its useful life, with major overhaul
due. The generators are of older vintage. Spare parts will be
scarce," wrote Michael L.

Special Conservation District Declared for Menemsha and Nashaquitsa Ponds

Following a late-night discussion that grew cranky at times,
the Martha's Vineyard Commission voted narrowly last week to
designate a district of critical planning concern for the
shorelines of two shellfish-rich ponds in Chilmark.

The vote was 9-6 to approve the Menemsha and Nashaquitsa
Ponds DCPC.

Jennie Greene, the appointed member of the commission from
Chilmark, fought bitterly to block the DCPC.

"I think this is a slam-dunk that a couple of people put

Ray LaPorte Is New Leader in Tisbury Politics

By an overwhelming margin, Raymond LaPorte was elected to the Tisbury board of selectmen Tuesday. He welcomes the challenge and speaks confidently, not arrogantly, about the role he looks forward to playing in the highest elected position he has ever held on the Island. His strength stems in part from his years of volunteer work and his active lifestyle.

Lobster Fishery Confronts Major Crisis; Officials Plan Strict Conservation Limits

With the American lobster in short supply in Vineyard
waters, the state and federal governments are in the early
stages of considering new minimum sizes and catch limits.
Hearings are planned for later this summer.

Land Court Ruling: Loss for Developers

A Massachusetts Land Court judge last week dismissed the central claim in a complicated property rights case that centers on an attempt by a group of developers to open up access to a vast area of landlocked lots off Moshup Trail in Aquinnah.
