
Aquinnah Voters Abandon Land Sale

The selectmen predicted it would be a noncontroversial annual town meeting this year in Aquinnah, and they were almost right.

After long debate on Tuesday night, voters could not agree on terms for selling a town-owned piece of land, and the end result was that the land will not be sold — at least for now.

Rules Are Set, But No Beer, Wine Yet

The scramble has begun among Tisbury restaurant owners seeking to sell beer and wine, to get their license applications completed if they hope to cash in on this summer’s tourist season.

After the years of debate about whether or not to allow alcohol sales in town, and more debate about local regulations, town hall finally made application packages available late yesterday, two days after the selectmen finalized the regulations.

Oak Bluffs Wins Dredge Permit, But $500,000 No Longer Enough

After nearly 18 months of struggles and setbacks, the town of Oak Bluffs this week received final approval from the Army Corps of Engineers to dredge Sengekontacket Pond, in a project that many view as vital to protecting the health of the pond.

“Feast your eyes on this document,” declared Oak Bluffs selectman Duncan Ross on Tuesday night, holding a stack of papers over his head. “It is finally here. This is the permit to dredge Sengekontacket.”


Coyote Threat Sparks Hunting Discussion

If coyotes get a foothold on the Vineyard, the results could be disastrous, for farmers, landowners and the native wild animal population on the Island.

This was the somber message from Augustus Ben David 2nd, a former director of the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary and one of the Island’s most respected naturalists, who spoke at a gathering at the Howes House on Monday.





Household Electric Bills Will Rise Only Slightly Under Cape Wind Deal

Five cents a day. That is the best available prediction of how the Cape Wind development will add to the power bill of the average household if and when its electricity begins to flow in 2013.

The estimate comes not from the Cape Wind developers themselves, but from the transmission company which has contracted to buy power generated by the proposed 130-turbine development in Nantucket Sound.

Vineyard Haven




Isn’t the new road paving on Franklin street wonderful? I believe it even took care of what I called “the reverse speed bump” down at the corner of Centre street. Now, don’t let this make you think you can speed on my road!

The neighborhood is getting noisy. Welcome back to Fred and Sally Benson from their Florida winter and to Paul and Marge Howes from Christmas in Connecticut.


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

May 7 62 49 .00

May 8 68 50 .03

May 9 62 44 Trace

May 10 56 41 Trace

May 11 57 36 .00

May 12 56 44 .00

May 13 56 34 .00

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 59º F.

Oak Bluffs




Progress is a long and serpentine road. Can I extend the metaphor? It’s also dusty and strewn with pebbles and in places washed out completely by unexpected floods. Enough? I’m talking about the long-awaited completion of the pharmacy and affordable apartments in the building that once housed the old Oak Bluffs library.





The voters of Aquinnah honored Walter E. Delaney at the annual meeting on Tuesday evening for his 35 years of unselfish and dedicated service to the Town of Aquinnah as the town moderator. Walter had a few parting words as he passed the baton, or should we say gavel.
