Falmouth Academy Announces Head of School List

Falmouth Academy has announced its head of school’s list for the first trimester of the 2014-2015 academic year.

Chicken Alley Closes for Maintenance

The Chicken Alley Thrift Shop will be closed Friday, Jan. 23 to Saturday, Feb. 7 for building maintenance. Leading up to the closing date, the shop will not be accepting donations and all items are being drastically discounted.

On the evening of Feb. 7 there will be a re-opening party free to the community to display the fresh space. Live music, DJ’s, and dancing the Chicken Alley strut.

For more information, call Noavakay Wibel at 774-521-8769.

Regional High School Announces Honor Students

The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School has announced its honor roll for the first quarter of the 2014-2015 academic year.

Birders of a Feather Flock Together for Christmas Bird Count

Lots of birders, but fewer birds, showed up on Saturday for the 55th annual Christmas Bird Count. The historic tally tracks how species increase or decrease each year.

Chilmark Potluck Jam Provides Winter Warmth

Held Saturday evening, the third Chilmark Potluck Jam of the season was the biggest yet — with the onset of winter, the jams provide a venue for much-needed socializing and entertainment.

Archaeological Survey Complete, Path Cleared to Move Gay Head Light

The relocation of the Gay Head Light is scheduled to proceed this spring after an archaeological survey around the Aquinnah lighthouse found nothing of significant historical interest.

Remembering Mario Cuomo: A Look Back at a 1997 Vineyard Interview

Editor's Note: In July 1997, Mario Cuomo took time out of a Vineyard vacation for a wide-ranging interview with the Gazette. Mr. Cuomo, a three-term governor of New York, died Thursday at age 82. According to the New York Times, the cause was heart failure.

Islanders Gather for All Lives Matter March

Bundled up against the wind chill and holding handmade signs, more than 80 Vineyarders gathered at Five Corners on New Year’s Day for a march of solidarity. The event was organized by the Martha's Vineyard chapter of the NAACP.

Town's Ban on Herbicides in Squibnocket Pond Upheld in Legal Action

A two-year effort by a group of Chilmark landowners to use herbicides to combat phragmites in Squibnocket Pond came to an end this week. The Hon. Gordon H. Piper on Monday vacated his own ruling from last January that had found a Chilmark bylaw banning herbicides on the pond was not valid.

Aquinnah to Address Big Budget Shortfall

How to make up for a major budget shortfall discovered last month will be the topic of a special town meeting next week in Aquinnah.
