Big Shoes to Save, Islanders Give Draft Horse Gift of New Life

Rescued from the auction block last week and leaving his working life behind, a 15-year-old Belgian draft horse named Charlie has found a new home on the Vineyard.

Your Passport to Immigration Reform

Island attorney Rebecca McCarthy is working to clarify some of the confusion around President Obama's executive order, which was part of an initiative to address the country's immigration issues. At a recent informational forum, nearly every seat was filled.

Community Helps Family After House Fire

The Vineyard community is rallying around a Vineyard Haven family after a weekend house fire left the family uninjured but destroyed all their belongings.

Offshore Winds

While reading a series of Gazette editorials ruminating on the New Year over the years, the eye catches on one written in 1942 in the middle of World War II.

Trying to Get Health Insurance Is Hard on Your Mental Health

Dear Governor Baker: throw away the Massachusetts Health Connector website and start all over again.

Collaboration Key for Nonprofits

Collaboration is a buzzword in the nonprofit world that elicits varied reactions. Donors and foundations encourage it because they believe it makes their gifts have more impact and they see it as a solution to a glut of nonprofits.

Nothing but Net in the Coaches Corner

It’s basketball season, and Maureen Hill is on the move. This year is her first as head varsity coach for the regional high school girls’ basketball team, but she’s still coaching the middle school girls’ travel team that last year went 23-2 and made the state tournament finals. Afternoons are packed with basketball practices as she zips back and forth between the high school and the middle schools for drills and scrimmages.

Maybe It's Time to Stop Spreading the News

Over the years people have asked in that incredulous voice, how are the winters out there? Isn’t it freezing? You get away for a few months, right?

Keeping the Compact

The 70 per cent increase in the electricity supply rate being experienced by Cape Light Compact (CLC) is being felt by all NSTAR customers, not just CLC.

Girls' JV Hockey Numbers on the Rise, but Boys See a Decline

Most high school sports feature a trickle-up effect, in that athletes begin playing their sport before reaching freshman year, and have gained the skills needed to succeed at the higher level of play. Some sports, like hockey, require a bit more specialization, making the trickle-up even more important. And this year, participation gaps at the youth hockey levels have led to disparities on the high school teams.
