Win or Lose, Sports Travel Is Big Effort

Sports travel for an Island school takes what is already a complicated endeavor — ensuring that hundreds of student athletes and their coaches get from Point A to Point B and back safely — and throws in a seven-mile wide obstacle in the form of the Vineyard Sound.

In Garage versus Pagoda, Town Intervenes on Behalf of Tree

Renovations at a private home have put a spotlight on a historic shade tree that graces South Water street and is likely the largest of its kind in the state.

The majestic pagoda tree was brought to the Vineyard as a seedling in a flower pot by a sea captain more than 175 years ago.

Island Veterans' Officer Is Tops in State

Jo Ann Murphy was named Massachusetts Veterans’ Services Officer of the Year for her work to support veterans in the Vineyard community.

“It was a shock,” she said this week.

Tisbury Police Carry Narcan to Counteract Overdoses

The Tisbury police will now carry Narcan, a medication that counteracts opiate overdose, in their police cruisers.

Sand Talk

With the release of the draft Massachusetts Ocean Plan two weeks ago, Islanders should be alert to a discussion now unfolding in the Island community about sand mining.

Youth Collaborative Unveils New Building Plan

An Islandwide youth collaborative formed last year to enhance programs for adolescents at risk unveiled plans this week for a new building to house their group.

Replaying the Hollywood Blacklist

It was November 1974. Forty years ago. I was meeting an award-winning writer for lunch at the Black Dog Tavern. A great excuse to come to the Vineyard.

From Helicopter to Ferry Boat, Veteran's Trip Home Is Delight

During the nine months Army pilot Wender Ramos was deployed in Afghanistan, he flew Black Hawk helicopters around the eastern part of the country.

Bad Idea

Bad Idea
Editors, Vineyard Gazette:
The following letter was sent to Bruce Carlisle, director of the state Coastal Zone Management program.

The Chilmark board of selectmen is strongly opposed to any proposal for sand mining in Vineyard Sound.

Healing Ourselves, Our World

I read with interest and appreciation the personal stories of Nelson Bryant and Bill Eville in the Oct. 17 Vineyard Gazette. Mr. Bryant’s memoir and Mr. Eville’s essay share unusual self-disclosure, not often modeled in our corporate media-entranced world.
