Plant Talk

Wow! It was quite a storm last Sunday. My friend, Sharlee, registered a 54-mile-an-hour gust on Chappy. I will say it made quick work of stripping the rest of the leaves from several varieties of trees.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: Nov. 7

Well, I am writing from my Old Country as Nonna could not take one more minute away from her friends, family, neighbors and beloved Good Counsel. My doctors cleared me to drive and I did so last weekend, leading a Conestoga Toyota consisting of Teri, Nonna, Silvio, Lil’Bit, Teddy, et moi.

Oak Bluffs Town Column: Nov. 7

Of all the structures in America built specifically as movie theatres between 1894 and 1915 when our Island Theater opened as the Eagle, only about four others remain, Oak Bluffs’ Island being the fifth oldest.

On Chappy: Nov. 7

You know those days when it is just plain awful to travel the 20 yards from the awkward exit of the Stop & Shop to your car in the lot? The days when it is raining and blowing so hard that you feel a primordial fear for your safety?

Vineyard Voters Back Coakley, Keating

While Massachusetts voters elected Republican Charlie Baker as the state's next governor, the Vineyard largely backed Democrats in the state election Tuesday, including Mr. Baker's challenger, Martha Coakley.

Chilmark Town Column: Nov. 7

Chilmark rocked under the winds and rain of Sunday, and under the election results on Tuesday — the week that was, we used to say.

High School Art Teacher Recognized by National Geographic

Chris Baer, who has taught photography and technology at the regional high school for nearly two decades, was singled out for his work in documentary photography exchange projects that connect students to their peers from all over the world.

White Woodpecker Shows His True Colors

Artist Aldro T. Hibbard, a Falmouth native, was noted for his winter landscapes, but suggested that artists “Never use pure white; it doesn’t exist in nature.”

G.K. Chesterton would have vehemently disagreed: He wrote “White . . . is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black . . . God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white.”

Hebrew Center Hosts Scholar-in-Residence

The Hebrew Center is hosting a scholar-in-residence this weekend. Jacob Siegel is a student at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, an open and modern Orthodox rabbinical school.

Edgartown Town Column: Nov. 7

Mother Nature surely showed us who was boss this past weekend. Wind, rain, wind, and more wind. It was pretty much like a hurricane.
