Well, I am writing from my Old Country as Nonna could not take one more minute away from her friends, family, neighbors and beloved Good Counsel. My doctors cleared me to drive and I did so last weekend, leading a Conestoga Toyota consisting of Teri, Nonna, Silvio, Lil’Bit, Teddy, et moi. I did very well on the drive and was pleased that Teri and my mother slept while I sang at the top of my lungs. It is not true that all Italians have good voices. I wasted no time claiming my seat at Dunne’s Pub. Many of my friends there suffered the rumor that I had died, since they had not seen me cross the threshold in two years but, rest assured, we celebrated my return in a very Irish way. Blessings to my greeters, Sean Dunne, the owner, Liam Murphy, Andy Anderson, Philip Sheridan my favorite bartender, Nialls, Goldie, Lally, Helen, Len, Brian Conway, the leader of the band, and all the usual suspects. So a round of doctors’ appointments, parties, visits with neighbors and families, then back to the Island after Iole sees all her gang.

Meanwhile, I walked right into a new cause; save my high school, Good Counsel Academy, from developers of all things. I hung up my marchin’ shoes after the 1970s, but I dusted them off in my childhood closet and got them down. Oh, Cardinal Tim Dolan will be dealing with me. Visit savegca.wordpress.com to get the skinny. Watch for me on the evening news.

Our president of the Legion Auxiliary post 257, Carrie Welch, is still looking for donations for our super terrific bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Carrie, Linda Volukas and Joanne Murphy are all willing to pick up your gently used white elephants, handmade crafts, and home-cooked treats. Nonna and I will see you on Martin Road on the day of the bazaar.

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Society is screening a very special film tomorrow night, Nov. 8, at 7:30 p.m. Skylight by David Hare stars Carey Mulligan, Bill Nighy and Matthew Beard. This troupe was captured live at the National Theater in London’s West End. Check it out and report to me how much you liked it.

Confidential to Lyn K: Nonna is reading yet another book about the Roosevelts that we have here at home. It was written by Peter Collier. I am re-reading my favorite go-to book in my old bedroom, The Falcon and the Snowman by Robert Lindsey. Special thanks again to our Vineyard Haven Public Library staff that kept us so involved and enchanted back in Tisbury.

Confidential to Mister L of Martha’s Vineyard and my Old Country: I have it from reliable sources that you have been kvetching about my column, saying you are tired of reading news about me and my family. First of all, it is my column and writers are told to “write what you know.” Secondly, my telephone number and email are atop this column weekly and I haven’t received any input from you! Send me some news, or resign yourself to reading about my life.

May I be condemned to be in a stalled car at Five Corners on Labor Day weekend for neglecting to inform you of Hunter Thomas’ Nov. 5 birthday. Please forgive me, Hunter.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Lynne Kressin and Jeffrey Masi today. November 8 is a party for Kara Best, Ed Panek, Adelaide Silva and Nancy MacMullen. November 9 shines on Barbara Jo Cayer, Matt Medeiros, Maria de Pinha and Evan Scott-Jennings. November 10 celebrates the founding of the U.S. Marine Corps in a tavern in Philadelphia in 1775. Joining the Marines to celebrate are Michael West and Binnie Ravitch. On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, Willa Shalit, Richard Cohen, Lizanne Donegan and Victoria Hehre celebrate. November 12 blesses Matt Brown, Tim Sylvia, David (Cricket) Willoughby and Isaque Silva. And on Nov. 13 Rosemary Jackson and Lillian Beal take the cake. Many happy returns.

Send your Vineyard Haven news to: iklean@yahoo.com.