Sensible Spending

The Island is justifiably proud of its public schools, which consistently turn in impressive scores on standardized tests and turn out successful, well-rounded graduates.

Squibnocket Committee Moves Forward; Several Ideas Considered

Four months after its first meeting, the committee on Squibnocket has shifted gears and is evaluating various proposals and considerations collected from the public.


Selectmen to Review Agricultural Hall Zoning

The West Tisbury selectmen on Wednesday agreed to review zoning rules for the Agricultural Hall after concern that the number of events held each year on the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society grounds off Panhandle Road may be over the limit.

Cheers! Beer Masters Combine Talents for English Ale Tribute

Inside a large copper mash tun at Offshore Ale House, nearly 250 gallons of malted grain mixed with water were slowly beginning the process of changing into beer.

Nature's Advocate, Sentence by Sentence Over a Lifetime

The following is excerpted from an essay written in 1973 by the author and taken from his soon-to-be-released collection of nature essays published by Lyons Press.

Yes to Bottle Bill Is Deposit for the Future

Sometimes I feel like the supermarket Styrofoam bandit. When I find produce that I want to purchase and it is wrapped in plastic or Styrofoam, I take a very obvious stand.

Bottle Bill Costs Outweigh the Benefits

As election day nears, there are a few things we can all agree on: improving our environment and keeping our streets clean.

Remembering the Fall of the Berlin Wall

When the Berlin Wall did its mighty fall 25 years ago, East Germans were jubilant. As a German immigrant in the U.S., I could witness this historic event only via television from suburban Boston.

Inner Dialogue

Some voices whisper, others have
No words at all, save tones,
While others still will yell and blame,
Yet all have roots somewhere in you.
The whisperers are likely to be new,
For their audibility depends
On silence, and that is hard to do.
The toners come from before
The language came. The yellers blame
            because they were not heard
At all their first time round,
And will be damned if they’re ever
Going to be shut up again.
They are your orphan selves,
Pressed down beneath

All Hallows Eve

On the eve of Halloween, it is fitting that Vineyard residents should recall the ghost stories native to this land.
