Announcing Luiza

Justine Shemeth DeOliveira and Paulo DeOliveira of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Luiza Shemeth DeOliveira, born on June 7 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Welcome, Theodore

Cara Elizabeth Lane and Andrew Tenant Reed Jr. of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, Theodore Whaler Reed, born on May 27 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Celebrating Dream Keepers at Permanent Endowment Reception

The Permanent Endowment for Martha’s Vineyard celebrated a record-breaking year with a reception Tuesday for scholarship recipients from the past several years.

Search Underway for High School Principal, Superintendent

The search for a new principal at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School is well under way, superintendent of schools Dr. James H. Weiss said Monday.

A separate search has also begun for Mr. Weiss’s replacement when he retires in 2015.

Drafted by the Orioles: Night Honoring Tad Gold Has Surprise Ending

An evening set to honor the base-stealing, RBI-hitting lefty and 2009 graduate of the regional high school had an unexpected interruption Saturday. Tad Gold took a call on his cell phone. He had just been drafted by the Baltimore Orioles.

Speed Restrictions to Protect Right Whales Are Working, Scientists Say

Notifying speeding sailors that regulations are in place to protect North Atlantic right whales has been effective in protecting the endangered whales from ship collisions, a new study by NOAA has found.

Whaleship Charles W. Morgan Sails for First Time in Nearly a Century

For the first time in nearly a century, the whaleship Charles W. Morgan had seawater under her hull and the wind billowing her sails as she cast off Saturday from New London for a sea trial.

Praising Island Community, Class of 2014 Celebrates Graduation

Friends, family and the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School class of 2014 filled the Trinity Park Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs on Sunday afternoon. Per tradition for the graduates, the boys wore purple caps and gowns and the girls wore white.

Off the Beaten Path; Cross-Island Hike Is Explorer's Paradise

The 22nd annual cross-Island hike, hosted by the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission, brought in record numbers, with over 100 walkers starting at Lambert’s Cove at 8 a.m.

Look Ma No Gas; Solar Powered Cars Win the Day

Almost 200 fifth grade students from across the Island gathered at the Boys and Girls Club to race handcrafted solar cars Saturday morning. The event was the conclusion of a nearly two-week long study of sustainability, renewable energy and engineering.
