Moving Company Chosen for Gay Head Light

The Aquinnah selectmen voted to hire International Chimney to relocate the lighthouse. The Buffalo, N.Y., company was the sole bidder and is already known on the Island, where it moved the Schifter home on Chappaquiddick last summer

Living and Learning: Generations Share as Passover Begins

Martha's Vineyard joined Jews everywhere in celebrating the second night of Passover at the Hebrew Center on Tuesday. Three members of the congregation shared personal stories of freedom.

Days of Wine and Wigeon

The birds and wine of Chile and Argentina trip proceeded to move from the cabernet and merlots of inland Chile to coastal wineries.

Land Bank Revenues: April 11

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $161,663.50 for the business week ending on Friday, April 11, 2014.

Writers Featured at Pathways Final Event

On Tuesday, April 22, from 6:30 to 9 p.m., Pathways will hold its final event of the season. The evening will feature residents of the Martha’s Vineyard Writer’s Residency.

Real Estate Transactions: April 7 - April 13

Robert G. Kegan and Barbara H. Wolf purchased 127 State Road in Chilmark from Bridge House LP for $2,350,000 on April 9.

Behind the Camera, But Out Front in Telling Stories of Change

On Saturday the Film Center screened the documentary Love Free or Die about Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop. Filmmaker Macky Alston was on hand to talk about the experience of witnessing history in the making, both for the Episcopal Church and for the nation.

The Hunt Is On

The Island offers Easter egg hunt options from Vineyard Haven to Aquinnah. Here are a few places to gather eggs this weekend.

Easter Weekend Services Around the Island

Island places of worship offer varied services over the course of Easter weekend. Services begin Friday and run through Sunday.

Spring Break Outdoors

The Trustees of Reservations invites everyone to spend spring break outdoors around the Island. Events are planned for Menemsha Hills, Long Point and Cape Pogue over the school break.
