Cars, Cargo, Care and Charm

I always look forward to Mollie Doyle’s Gazette series, A Day in the Life. The pieces are invariably well written and interesting, but this week’s report on our Island saint, Bridget Tobin, actually made me weepy.

Checking It Twice

From the Vineyard Gazette editions of December 1921:
Queer how few people really believe in Santa Claus. Just about this time of year almost everyone gets worked up into an ecstasy over Christmas spirit and pretends that he believes in Santa.

Gift from Tribe to Oak Bluffs: Stormwater Collector for Harbor

The town selectmen presented a certificate of appreciation to the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) Tuesday for the rare gift of environmental protection.

Minnesingers Holiday Concert

Last spring the Minnesingers high school chorus traveled to Croatia to perform. They have also been to Lithuania and all over Europe throughout the years. And each holiday season they travel, too, but a much shorter distance from the high school — they head to Edgartown to give their annual holiday concert.

Faith In Action Keeps Spirit Alive

The Rev. Mr. Robert Hensley, who has served as rector of Grace Episcopal Church since 2006, celebrates his 30th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood with a special service at 10 a.m. this coming Sunday.

Land Bank Revenues: Dec. 6

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $192,793.34 for the business week ending on Friday, Dec. 6, 2013.

In Step With Edgartown’s Holiday Wonderland

It is approximately 471 strides, done at a leisurely saunter, from the steps of the Harbor View Hotel to the steps of the Edgartown Lighthouse. While this may seem like useless trivia, it is actually a Christmas in Edgartown public service announcement.

West Tisbury Town Column: Dec. 13

Well, sprinkle a little salt over your left shoulder before reading today’s column. The winter season officially begins next Saturday, Dec. 21, and the temperature has been jumping around nearly as much as the energizer bunny. It feels like we are in for a cold snap, with a dusting of snow to make the season bright. That day also marks the winter solstice, and it will be the shortest day of the year. We must think positively as the days will be getting a tiny bit longer starting next Sunday.

Aquinnah Town Column: Dec. 13

We escaped the blustery snow, ice and high winds predicted for the east coast this week to awaken to a slight dusting of snow on Wednesday morning. Forsthysia has been blooming over the past two weeks.

Nearly 50 deer have been weighed in at the tribal weigh-in station over the past week and a half, which is about average for the season. Primitive firearms season is next to thin out the herd a little more, and to have less Lyme disease, perhaps.

Stories From Her Childhood Come to Life in Author's Young Adult Novel

On the northeast coast of Ireland in the small suburb Howth, Lara O’Brien spent her childhood days riding horseback with friends through the hillsides.
