Learning Curves

With a steady drumbeat of news in recent weeks about student test scores in Vineyard public schools, it feels a little like Lake Wobegon around here lately, where all the children are above average.

It Takes Just a Moment, Twenty-One Times

Recently my husband and I were guests at a small dinner party at a friend’s house. We were meeting the other six people for the first time. One of the women is a documentary filmmaker, one of the guys is a retired CEO of a major company.

Full Speed Ahead

From the Vineyard Gazette editions of October, 1846:

Place a bone across a pork rind, and you have “Bony part crossing the Rhine.” This is termed “Illustrated History.”

Celebrating 70 Years of Wedding Bliss

George A. Hough 3rd and his wife Mary Lu Hough of Indian Hill will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on Sunday.

On Oct. 22, 1943, the Vineyard Gazette, then owned and edited by the bridegroom’s uncle, Henry Beetle Hough and his wife, Elizabeth Bowie Hough, reported the young couple’s wedding as follows:

Earth and Sky at Polly Hill

A chance to clean up the grounds and then a later opportunity to check out the night sky with amateur astronomer Barbara Caseau is coming up Thursday, Oct. 24 at Polly Hill Arboretum. Grounds volunteer day is from 9 a.m. to noon and is a basic fall sprucing-up event. Bring gloves and dress for the weather.

Hello, Jack

Pamela Belain and Jonathan Belain of West Tisbury announce the birth of a son, Jack Maddox Belain, born on Oct. 13 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Jack weighed 7 pounds, 9.7 ounces at birth. He joins big brother Jonathan Junior at home.

Annual Pistol Championship Was Family Affair

Three generations of the Craig family participated in the annual Martha’s Vineyard Pistol Championships, held Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Rod & Gun Club. But in the end, it was James Craig who came out on top, beating out mother Shirley and son Riley, among others, in the large caliber pistol division. Mr. Craig earned first place in the division with a perfect score of 400.

Competitors had to fire from different distances, positions and time limitations. Second and third place in the large caliber division went to Bill Benns of Cuttyhunk and Joseph Smith II of Edgartown, respectively.

Welcome, Melissa

Luciana Oliveira and Adacir Fogaca of Vineyard Haven announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Oliveira Fogaca, born on Oct. 13 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Melissa weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. She joins big sister Leticia at home.

Abel Arrives

Nina Lombardi-Kiendzior and Dana Kiendzior of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, Abel William Kiendzior, born on Oct. 14 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Abel weighed 7 pounds, 10.7 ounces at birth.

Welcome Spencer

Emily and Michael Dwyer of Groveland are pleased to announce the birth of Spencer Michael Dwyer, born Oct. 8 at the Beverly Hospital, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces. Spencer joins his big brother Will. Grandparents are James and Rita Dwyer of West Newbury, and Peter MacRae of Chappaquiddick and Julia Wells of West Tisbury.
