Supermarket Shuffle

Originally an A&P, the Vineyard Haven Stop & Shop was built years before anyone on the Island ever contemplated problems with overcrowding. Water street once hosted a modest ferry terminal, a hot dog stand for tourists and the Smith, Bodfish and Swift farm and feed store.

Vineyard Inside Out: Eclectic, Erudite and Inclusive: Ingredients for Great Conversation

It’s still where’s-my-coffee early and all is quiet at Howes House in West Tisbury. In 15 minutes though, the Council on Aging’s long-running Tuesday morning discussion group will convene.

For those who have visited parents after they retired to a condo in South Florida and sat around the pool listening to a group of seniors review the ailments of people no one knew firsthand or update the comings and goings of multiple grandchildren, expectations might not be high at the prospect of an informal discussion group for seniors.

Land Bank Revenues: Oct. 4

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $269,460 for the business week ending on Friday, Oct. 4, 2013. The land bank receives its funds from a two per cent fee charged on many Vineyard real estate transactions.

Luckless Caster Is Friend to Fish

Now that it is derby time, I have been thinking (and eating) fish. I like fish, but I don’t like to fish. As a child, I would drop a line off the Edgartown wharf or the Menemsha dock with my brother John and we would catch scup.

Ooh Barracuda, I've Got Boxes in My Basement

When you’re a kid, there are monsters under your bed. When you’re an adult, there are boxes in your basement. The spookiness never stops, does it? It happens every time we move. No matter if we are going to a larger space or a smaller space, nothing can stop the proliferation of unopened and unemptied boxes, most likely left to grow old in your basement — or even rot in storage in some other community.

Record Store Kept Island in Tune

I’m not exactly sure how long ago it was that Aboveground Records earned my undying loyalty. It might have been nearly 10 years ago after the Christmas dinner at which my Edinburgh-based brother in law asked me about a young blues singer from the Vineyard named Willy Mason.

Back to Business

As restaurant owners, operators and food professionals, our number one concern is always the safety of our guests. A key component is safe drinking water and we have our water tested regularly in accordance with local, county and state regulations.

Gridlock Lockdown

The recent budget deadlock, shutting down many government operations and services, can be blamed on adherence to principle on both sides. The Democratic winners of the last election claim that under the Constitution they are trying to do what the voters elected them to do.

Congressional Report Card

As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Well, the Congress is broke and it needs fixing.

Appeal to Stop & Shop

Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Despite the many Stop & Shop hearings over the past few months, little has been said about the proposed building’s contribution to climate change and the need to make it green.

Haven’t we heard enough about the CO2 that comes from buildings, and its impact — the rising seas, acidification, monster storms, coastal erosion, ruined crops, displaced populations and animal extinctions? Haven’t we listened to the warnings of leader Bill McKibben, telling us that we must drastically and rapidly reduce our burning of coal, oil and gas?
