Injured Cyclist Transported to Mainland Hospital Following Collision With Truck

A Watertown man was listed in fair condition at Massachusetts General Hospital Wednesday after an accident where he became pinned under a garbage truck following a collision while he was riding his bike.

William Cress, who owns a home on Down Harbor Road in Katama, was transported to the Boston hospital by ambulance from the Martha's Vineyard Hospital Tuesday afternoon.

According to Edgartown police officer Michael Gazaille, a Bruno’s garbage truck was traveling on south on Katama Road when the driver made a left-hand turn onto a road across from Katama General Store.

Friday, July 19: Hazy

Friday, July 19: Hazy. Fog over Edgartown harbor. A hot sun burns through the fog for a warm, sunny summer morning. The sky over Dogfish Bar is filled with avian friends, flying terns. Strong wind at the Gay Head cliffs overlook.

Offshore Fishing Heightens Mystery and Beauty of the Hunt

There are many seasons that go with being a Vineyard angler. For one group, offshore fishing with a rod and reel is the pinnacle of summer. There is perhaps no greater sense of wonder than being 80 miles south of the Vineyard in a boat reeling in a giant tuna.

Cinema Circus Short Films Get Green Light from Kid Critic

Each week the folks at Cinema Circus show a series of short films on Wednesday evening at the Chilmark Community Center. The films begin at 6 p.m. but the circus — complete with jugglers, face painters, stilt walkers, food and music — gets underway at 5 p.m. The short films are programmed each week around a central theme, introduced in the first film by Professor Projector. This week’s theme is telling stories.

Evening Aboard Whaleship Essex Explores Universal Tragedy

“People ask me how will you get a boat on stage? What I like to say is — theatrical imagination.”

With these words, Joe Forbrich introduced a reading of his new play, The Whaleship Essex, on Monday, July 22. The staged reading was part of The Vineyard Playhouse’s Monday Night Specials series. It was performed by a group of 16 actors and actresses, two from New York and 14 from Martha’s Vineyard.

Going Au Naturel for His Art

Artist Tom Smith is almost breathless when he talks about his work.

“I love the line between what is formal, designed, almost constricted — and what is natural and rank,” he said. “I love the border between the cultivated and the wild.”

Stinging Stars

“Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion,” laments an Egyptian proverb. 

Don’t miss the scorpion.

Though it is summer and a busy time for all, take a minute to gaze skyward to see the night’s super stars. Among the most famous is a classic constellation that says summer.

Protecting Piping Plovers

I joined Allan Keith on July 20 and we did the mid-Island area for the butterfly count. The Vineyard butterfly count is organized by Matt Pelikan each year. It was hot and windy but we still were able to find 18 species. The total number seen by the butterfly counters was 31 species and 579 individuals. The skippers and hairstreaks were the most numerous, and for me the most difficult to identify.

Fodder for Beans

I gave it my best shot all last week — trying to develop some acceptance of the weather. As an outside worker, I would prefer rain, wind, and/or snow to the heat and humidity. Now, granted, I am grateful to not live in the southwest or a big city but honestly, who would like it? Oh I know — weeds, mosquitoes and garden insect pests.

Cat Todd watches The Vineyard

Mixed Reviews, Small Crowd at Reality Show Premiere

Despite months of vocal critiques and speculation, when the ABC Family docu-soap The Vineyard premiered Tuesday night, all appeared quiet in Oak Bluffs. Cat Todd sat at a bar surrounded by close friends and waited for the show to air.
