Hospital Benefit Planned by Oak Bluffs Cottagers

The Cottagers will hold a sale at Hartford Park in Oak Bluffs on Friday, Aug. 2 for the benefit of the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Their tables will include gifts, food, white elephants, grabs, hot dogs and tonic. Mrs. John J. Goldsberry is serving as general chairman, Miss Dorothy West, Mrs. Frederick White, Mrs. Wilmer Lucas, and E. W. Finley, who is president of the Cottagers.

There will also be tables in charge of the following: Mrs. David Rappaport, special benefit, a doll; miscellaneous, Mrs. Herbert G. Louis; aprons, Mrs. Anna M. Ryan.

Old Tivoli Building Is Now Creative Arts Center

The Creative Arts Committee of Oak Bluffs is now featuring a well rounded cultural and social program for all school-age children in the Tivoli Building.

Through the help of specialists vacationing on Island, the following program is available for young members:

Swimming lessons twice a week under the able tutorship of Mrs. Madelon Stent, educational instructor at Columbia University; Mrs. Connie Koefoed, New York city Board of Education instructor; and Bill Julian, well known sportsman from New York.

Edgartown’s Own Boat-Builder And Philosopher, Dead

Manuel Swartz Roberts, one of the best known and best loved figures of Martha’s Vineyard, died at 6 o’clock this morning after a prolonged period of failing health. As boat-builder, craftsman, philosopher, and most of all as a wise and warmly humorous friend, he had become a legend in his own time.

Dairy Role Narrows

The dairy processing plant of the Martha’s Vineyard Cooperative Dairy will come to an end March 31, when the operation will be converted to a full time distributorship for H. P. Hood and Sons.
The Cooperative Dairy will remain as a business entity, however, with the same stockholders and its Island employees.

Electrolysis of Metals Caused Dragger Sinking

The dragger Viking, Capt. A. Coutinho of Vineyard Haven, sank alongside of the harbor bulkhead during Monday night.

Brilliant Career of New Attorney General

As a young man, Edward W. Brooke wanted to be a doctor. Today, he is the first Negro to win state-wide office in Massachusetts and is the attorney general-elect, writes Ronald A. Wysocki of the Boston Globe.
It was while he was in Italy as an infantry captain in World War II that he decided to practice law. Disturbed by the indifference in which officers were chosen as defense counsel in courts-martial - many without any inkling or military law - he began a study of the subject.

Island Eleven Ends Its Best Season So Far

The Vineyarders closed out their most successful season to date with a sparkling 5-2 record, beating Nantucket, after beating them soundly the week before on the Vineyard. Gordon Bassett and John Bunker rushed the Nantucket quarterback, Vaughan Machado, in a second period pass play from the Nantucket 30. In a play described by Assistant Coach Francis Pachico as “The most unbelievable play of the year,” Machado threw the ball away, from about his own fifteen. Only he got turned around under pressure, and threw to his own goal line.

History of Playground

The recent mention of the Vineyard Haven playground in the Gazette having excited comment and queries, Paul Owen, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Barry Owen of that town, has looked up the records in the county registry and the Tisbury town office, in order to determine exactly the present status of this public property.

Owen Playground Is Really Not a Park

There now appears on the new bandstand on the Vineyard Haven playground the following inscription: William Barry Owen, Playground and Recreation Area.

There has been no sign on this playground for many years and the original sign was small, obscurely located, and did not carry as much information. But this new sign makes clear that the town of Tisbury owns no park area, according to the legal interpretation of the term, but a playground.

Equal Rights Cheered At Tabernacle Rally: Roy Wilkins Says Fight Was Started Late - Must Win Now

A near-capacity crowd turned out late Sunday afternoon at the Oak Bluffs Tabernacle to cheer an unprecedented event on the Vineyard - the first Freedom Fund rally to support equal rights for Negroes throughout the country. The sponsor of the affair was the Cape Cod branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The site was highly appropriate, for Oak Bluffs and, more specifically, the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association which operates the historic Tabernacle, have long epitomized the goals of equality that the NAACP actively promotes.
