We must keep town projects transparent and continue having those "water cooler" conversations.
The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $418,254.06 for the business week ending on Friday, April 21, 2023.
Elizabeth P. Wojdak Trs. and Elizabeth P. Wojdak Revocable Living Trust purchased 21 Tea Lane in Chilmark from Elizabeth Lunbeck for $1,300,000 on April 10.
The first ruby-throated hummingbird of the season arrived at the feeder of Robert Green and Linda DeWitt at Green Acres on Watcha Path in Edgartown.
A proposed flag policy in Oak Bluffs was debated again Tuesday by the select board when member Emma Green-Beach pitched the installation of a new town ceremonial flagpole.
The pole would fly non-federally recognized flags, such as the Juneteenth and Progress Pride flags, to promote town diversity and inclusivity, she said.
The select board was in support of the sentiment behind the pole, but some members were concerned about its potential to cause divisiveness over what flags can and cannot be flown.
At about 6 p.m., passersby may see fire trucks and a ladder truck extending to the roof of the hospital.
Citing resident complaints and safety concerns, Edgartown select board members voted this week to lower the speed limit on Meetinghouse Way to 25 mph.
The Martha’s Vineyard Commission violated the state open meeting law last year when it went into executive session to discuss settlement of a lawsuit by the Harbor View Hotel, the state attorney general’s office ruled Tuesday.