At the Helm

In season, executive chef Scott Grewe steers the kitchen crew at the Outermost Inn; off-season, he and his wife Elizabeth live aboard their 36-foot sloop.

With An Eye to History: An Interview with Josh Gothard

Native Islander and architect Josh Gothard specializes in historic restoration— with a background in the language of coastal resiliency.

Making Room for Babies

Photographer Maria Thibodeau knew what she wanted in a home studio: lots of light, room for her props – including her crafted felt wool – and a calm, peaceful environment.

One Last Spin on the Flying Horses Carousel

On Sunday evening, friends, family and co-workers celebrated Robin Meader's retirement after 35 years as manager of the Flying Horses.

Hiking 2.0: Try the New and Improved Trails MV App

The TrailsMV app had its genesis on a rambling up-Island hike.

“The idea started on a walk with Alan Rappaport, chair-elect of our board of directors,” said Adam Moore, president of the Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation. “We got a bit lost in the woods off King’s Highway in Chilmark while trying to find a Sheriff’s Meadow property.”

While backtracking onto their route, the pair got to talking about how to make Island trails more accessible. Eventually Alan exclaimed: “If only there was an app for that!” The idea for TrailsMV was born.

The Hunt is Half the Fun

Decorating with second-hand objects and art is a clever way to infuse 
your home with Vineyard character. But first you’ll have to go hunting.

What’s All The Hoopla About Hoop Houses?

A low-tech alternative to an expensive green house, 
a hoop house can add months to your growing season – and boost your summer bounty.

Oak Bluffs Man Arrested on Rape Charges

An Oak Bluffs man charged with rape and kidnapping of a minor is due back in court Oct. 21 after being released on $20,000 bail

Celebrating a Run With a View at the Gay Head 10K

Husband and wife team Kevin Montalvo and Maria Wong took him the gold in the overall and female categories at the Gay Head 10K on Sunday.

Larry Gomez Resigns Tisbury Select Board Seat

Tisbury select board member Larry Gomez has stepped down from his seat effective Oct. 1 citing health reasons.
