Broadway’s Kathryn Grody Brings New Work to Playhouse

The Unexpected 3rd: A Radical, Rollicking Rumination on the Optimism of Staying Alive explores, with humor and insight, the years that follow middle age.

Livia Arrives

Elizabeth Broski and Airton Broski, Jr., of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Livia Kay Broski, born on September 17.

Welcome Madison

Morgan Uva and Joseph Uva 3rd, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a daughter, Madison Lucille Uva, born on Sept. 23.

Hello Noah

Brittany Assis Silva and Tulio Vinicius DeSilva, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a son, Noah DePaula Silva, born on September 19.

Edgartown town Column: Sept. 27

We certainly got the rain we needed, but again we got it all in three days.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: Sept. 27

Tivoli Day, always a welcome festival, was held in Oak Bluffs last Sunday, a rain delay from Saturday.

West Tisbury Town Column: Sept. 27

We had almost five inches of rain this past weekend, according to our neighborhood weatherman Tom Hodgson.

Chappy Town Column: Sept. 27

When I was a kid, the word northeaster always had the prefix “three-day.” Nowadays we can get a northeast breeze that lasts a mere 24 hours.

Chilmark Town Column: Sept. 27

Fall has knocked on the door and we’ve let her in.

Wind and Rain

Last week’s rain and wind wreaked havoc on the gardens. What was particularly sad was the destruction of the sunflowers in the boat in front of the old sober house in Oak Bluffs.
