“To be or not to be” - stock or no stock - railroad or no railroad - was the principal question before the community last Saturday, and the town and its “dependencies” (?) turned out en masse to meet the emergency. Every able-bodied voter was in attendance, and the people seemed determined that the matter shouldn’t go by default.
Hon. J. T. Pease was chosen moderator.
The second article of the warrant, “To see if the town would subscribe to the stock of the Martha’s Vineyard Railroad,” &c., coming up, Mr. Samuel Osborn submitted the following resolution:
At a meeting of the associate subscribers to stock to form a corporation, to be called the Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company, Feb. 24, 1874, Samuel Osborn, Jr., was chosen Chairman, and Shubael L. Norton, Secretary.
Voted, To elect a committee of three, to nominate temporary directors of said company. N. M. Jernegan, E. Marchant and G. N. Collins were elected.
At a preliminary meeting of those interested in the proposed railroad, held at Samuel Osborn’s office, in Edgartown, on Tuesday evening last, the necessary officers were chosen to effect an organization. The gentlemen present were all harmonious in their opinions, and there was but one expression in reference to the contemplated undertaking.