Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby

Weather Brought Tumultuous End to Fishing Derby

In all the tumult of a savage easterly gale accompanied by lashing rain, the 10th annual fishing derby came to a close on Saturday, with contestants fishing, or certainly attempting to fish up to the final hour.

History May Be Made In Derby: Woman Is Leader in the Non-Resident Class

With a week more to go it looks as if history will be made in this year’s fishing derby, History which may see a woman take the grand prize for non-residents, for one thing, and a general increase in the sizes of prize-winning fish for another.
This week’s sensation, up to Wednesday night, was the landing of the 45 pound 9 ounce striper by Louise deSomov of Hampton Bays, Long Island, which not only gained for her the lead among women striper fishers, but put her out in the lead among all of the non-resident class.

Woman Angler Reels in a Fifty Pound Bass

Mrs. Albion A. Alley Jr. reeled in a fifty pound bass Monday night, fish­ing at Squibnocket, and this fish may well be a record for woman‘s shore striper fishing. The best last year’s derby could produce in this department was a twenty-one pound plus bass. In fact the resident grand prize winner, Wallace Pinkham’s fifty-five pound plus fish, was the only one in the whole derby bigger than Mrs. Alley’s.

Striped Bass Survey: First Phase Will Determine Whether These Fish Winter in State

The three year joint federal-state study of the striped bass populations in Massachusetts waters will start later this month, according to Fran­cis W. Sargent of Orleans, Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries, Department of Natural Resources. The announcement was made at the annual winter meeting of the Massa­chusetts Striped Bass Association, held Monday evening at American Legion Hall, Wollaston, where Mr. Sargent was the principle speaker.

Sensational Action About Bass Derby: No More Tournaments if Plan Goes Through

Prospects are good that the annual striped derby will become a regular feature of the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club, and that none save members of the club will participate in the contest. This will mean that, for those who pay the club dues, there will be no further fee for membership in the derby contest or any other tournament which the club may arrange. Action taken at the club on Wednesday night indicates the favorable attitude of the club in making the change, the motion under which it was voted containing the provision that it be subject to legal approval.

Striped Bass Derby Called Most Renowned of Events

In Sports Afield for December, Bernhard A. Roth writes, among other things, of salt-water sport fishing, noting in obeisance the Vineyard Striped Bass Derby. Mr. Roth makes the claim that “the salt waters of the Bay State offer a greater variety of angling than any other North American marine area.” His comment on the derby:

Chosen Derby Queen

The annual derby dance, which is a part of the opening of the striped bass derby, was held at the Tisbury school auditorium on Friday night, bringing out a gratifyingly large crowd and a brand new class of contestants for the various prizes offered. Manny Silva’s orchestra pleased the dancers, and the committee, headed by Clifford Luce, went to considerable lengths to make the event enjoyable.

World Unity Might Be Sooner Achieved If All Men Could Go Fishing Together - for Blues

The bluefish run once more. After many years absence, and seasons when the species had been scarce, the great schools of which oldtimers told, have appeared again in Vineyard waters. True, the fish are small, averaging no more than two pounds each, but providing lively sport for both boat and shore fishermen, plus a banquet fit for the gods when served upon the table.

Bass Derby Ends In Blaze of Glory; Prizes Awarded

The Martha’s Vineyard striped bass derby wound up in a blaze of glory at noon on Tuesday, when the last fish were entered for weighing, and the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club held open house for all entrants, with dinner served in the club rooms in the evening before the prizes were awarded.

Striped Bass Derby Opens on Sunday

The first Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass Derby, the most ambitious event of its kind to be arranged for this coast, will begin at 12 noon on Sunday, Sept. 15, and will continue until 12 noon on Oct. 15. The grand prize of the derby is $1,000, and among the contestants so far are salt water fishermen from Toronto, others from Canada, four from Virginia, two from Philadelphia, and hundreds from the New England states and New York.
