Launching of Steamer Nobska

In just four and one-half months from the time her keel was stretched on Nov. 10 last, the steel steamer Nobska, built for the New Bedford, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket steamboat line of the New England Steamship Company, was launched at 12:43 Tuesday afternoon by the Bath Iron Works, Ltd., at Bath, Maine.

Vineyarders View Great Spectacle

The wonderful total eclipse of the sun by the moon scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 24, has come and gone, and in viewing the great show Martha’s Vineyard’s residents and visitors occupied very desirable seats in the first balcony.

Fiercest August Storm for Fifty Years Sweeps Over Vineyard

The terrific north-easterly storm which swept the eastern Massachusetts coast on Tuesday was felt with unusual severity on the Vineyard. The wind for an hour or two, from three to five o’clock in the afternoon, blowing with hurricane force and leaving various forms of wreckage in its wake.

Bark Wanderer Lost

Twenty-four hours after she had sailed bravely from New Bedford on what was to be her “last voyage,” the staunch old bark, Wanderer, last of New Bedford’s once glorious fleet of square-rigged whaling vessels, came to a tragic end off Cuttyhunk island late Tuesday afternoon, when mountainous seas and a shrieking northeast gale drover her on to the jagged teeth of Middle Ground shoals.

Steamer Sankaty Burns at New Bedford Wharf

The burning of the steamer Sankaty at her wharf in New Bedford on Monday evening of this week, has been the most thrilling event in this section this week.
Damage estimated at $350,000 was caused by the fire which started on the dock of the New England Steamship Company and totally destroyed the dock and burned the steamer Sankaty of the Vineyard Line to the water’s edge.

Steamer Islander Is Launched

Steamer Islander, built by the Bath, (Me.) Iron Works, Ltd., for the New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Co., was launched Wednesday afternoon of last week, at about 5 o'clock.

Another Sea Tragedy In Vineyard Sound

Eight men, and perhaps others, paid the toll in a tragedy of the sea in Vineyard Sound last Friday morning, during a thick fog.

At six o’clock that morning, the fog lifting for a short while, the Cuttyhunk Coast Guard crew observed a distress signal at the masthead of a steamer of apparently 125 or 150 feet length, midway in the Sound between the Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands.

Vineyard Haven Happenings: Local Items

Samuel Cronig, head of the firm of Cronig Bros., was the purchaser of Castello’s Block and while the changes are not all as predicted, they correspond closely. Barnacles will cling to the building opposite the one they now occupy, upstairs but with entrance from the Lane Block, as we hear.

Dukes County Historical Society

The first meeting of the Dukes County Historical Society, for purpose of organization, was held at the Public Library, Oak Bluffs, on Monday afternoon, Oct. 23rd, Mr. Marshall Shepard presiding. The meeting adopted by-laws and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Marshal Shepard; 1st Vice President, William J. Rotch; 2nd Vice President, Ulysses E. Mayhew; Secretary and Treasurer, Francis A. Foster.

Alexander Graham Bell At Edgartown

The death of Alexander Graham Bell arouses renewed interest in the great inventor’s connection with Martha’s Vineyard. Bell’s concern with the island and its people was much more than a thing of the moment. His visits and at least one prolonged stay on the island were the result of his desire to investigate the so-called “deaf-mute” town in Chilmark about which a fictitious tradition had sprung up.
