Letters to the Editor


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

Teacher Learns From Her Sophomores

Teaching is a strange business! It’s a little like gardening in that you plant seeds and hope that they grow and that you will recognize the plant that appears. It’s fair to say that learning will always happen, but that we teachers have little or no control over what is learned.


Sophomores Speak Out

Greetings to all our readers. This is our last Sophomores Speak Out. Next year we will be moving up and won’t be eligible to write as sophomores. We’ve really enjoyed writing for you, and hope that you find our choice of topics interesting this week. We have a wide range for our last page. Everyone wrote about what they cared about, so enjoy and have a great summer.

Here Comes Summer

By Hannah Marlin>


Yo, What’s This Island Hip-Hop? Complex Humans Explain It All

The chorus was catchy, the kind that easily got stuck in your head: “When the sparks turn to flames, it’s time to play the blame game.”

The beat was almost inspirational, symphonic samples over a kick and a snare.

“Yo, who’s them four MCs with the same name?” rapped Robert (Bubba) Brown, Matt Lucier and Andrew Larsen, all seniors at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, together with their friend Henry Peacor from Colorado College.

Chapter Three: Meet the Crew

The serialized, real-time Vineyard novel Moby Rich continues here every Friday. Previous chapters are available to subscribers online at mvgazette.com.

June 6, 2008

Dear P:

Nancy Noble Gardner Shoots Visions and Memories

Nancy Noble Gardner calls her solo photography show opening this weekend at Featherstone Center for the Arts an honor: “I‘m excited by the total freedom I was given, and I chose photographs which are most significant to me, creating a retrospective.”

The opening reception for this exhibition will be on Sunday, June 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the gallery on Barnes Road near the blinker in Oak Bluffs.

Edwina Rissland Show

Edwina Rissland Show

All are welcome at an artist’s reception today, June 6, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Bank of Martha’s Vineyard on South Road in Chilmark, celebrating an exhibition of fine art photography by Edwina Rissland titled Abstract Realism: Pursuit of color and form. The art works depict scenes around the Vineyard as well as Bologna, Tokyo and Oxford.

The show continues during bank hours until June 13.

Dan Aykroyd on UFOs

Dan Aykroyd on UFOs

Plum Martha’s Vineyard will broadcast an interview with comedian and writer Dan Aykroyd about his research on aliens and UFO sightings. The program will be shown on Channel 76 at various times this week. It also is available on the Plum Web site, vineyard.plumtv.com.


Against Odds, Piping Plovers Rebound

So you think life is tough? You should be a baby piping plover. Born in a mere scrape in the sand, expected by your parents to fend for yourself from birth, facing danger at every turn from skunks, raccoons, crows, hawks, storms, off-road tires.

And yet the tiny birds — and there are not that many of them left — appear to be doing pretty well on the Vineyard this year, albeit with the help of a social safety net that would be the envy of hard-scrabble humans.

Soaring Ingredient Costs Put Restaurateurs in Pricing Pickle

Diners at Island restaurants will pay more for everything from fish and chips to omelettes this summer as the cost of almost all ingredients has skyrocketed.

Vineyard, chefs, caterers and bakers struggling with their soaring costs — the price of basics such as eggs, flour and cooking oil have more than doubled, even tripled in the past year, they report — have been forced to increase their own prices.
