Hope Arrives

Hope Arrives

Vanessa Grant of Vineyard Haven announces the birth of a daughter, Hope Ute Grant, born on Jan. 17 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Hope weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.

Lap Puppets

Lap Puppets

April Thanhauser of Spindrift Marionettes will join the staff of Plum Hill School to offer a free morning of puppets and crafts tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 26, from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Family Center at the high school.

April’s puppet show will feature colorful “lap puppets” enacting a medley of nursery rhymes ­— just right for toddlers and preschoolers.

Stephanie DaRosa and Josie Black of Plum Hill will follow with a natural craft activity for parents and children to do together.


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

Jan. 18 45 23 .17

Jan. 19 50 26 .00

Jan. 20 38 24 .02*

Jan. 21 31 15 .00

Jan. 22 30 14 .00

Jan. 23 43 28 .54

Jan. 24 39 23 .00

*Melted Precipitation

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 39º F.





Just when is the dead of winter? Is this it? Anyway, Chilmark is definitely in winter mode . . . enjoying the sunny days when we get them, enduring the gray days and, so far, not having much snow to move.

Karen Flynn tells us that her mother, Barbara, came home from the hospital on Christmas Day and enjoyed a 75th birthday celebration with her family on New Year’s Day. Karen and her family are well known to many as the tireless cooks at the Bite on Basin Road.

Hello, Fiona

Hello, Fiona

Aubrey Shipway and Dave Miller announce the birth of a daughter, Fiona Violet Miller, born Jan. 10 at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Proud grandparents are Morgan and Louise Shipway of Chilmark and Avon, Conn., Lucinda Sheldon of Oak Bluffs, Joan and Tom Browne of Kennington, Md., and David and Grace Miller of Gerrardstown, W.Va.

Welcome Bangii

Welcome Bangii

Raina Isham and Mekenock Bellecourt of Aquinnah announce the birth of a son, Bangii Kai Albert Bellecourt, born on Jan. 8 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. He weighed 9 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.





Volunteer Celebrates Birthday With Food Bank Fundraiser

Volunteer Celebrates Birthday

With Food Bank Fundraiser

Edgartown resident Herb Foster, whose real birthday is Jan. 31, is celebrating his 80th birthday on Saturday, Jan. 26 with his second annual hot dog cookout and fundraiser for the Island Food Pantry. The party is Saturday, Jan. 26, from 4 to 9:30 p.m. at Mr. Foster’s home at 15 Edgewood Drive (Sandy Valley), Edgartown.

Cases in Point

Cases in Point

The recent Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision in an esoteric Norwell case — a case that relied heavily on an earlier Edgartown ruling — offers a reminder that the Vineyard has generated a good deal of solid case law over the last thirty years, especially in the area of land use.

Shrinking Island Schools

Shrinking Island Schools

Growing communities traditionally have meant growing schools, both for the number of students attending them and the teachers and staff charged with educating them. So it has gone on the Vineyard, where the regional high school has never had to cut staff.

Now a budget squeeze has led administrators to eliminate a half position for the coming school year in the music department, a move that has sparked a grass roots Islandwide effort to raise funds to restore the position.
