Election 2002 Results on the Vineyard

State and Local Elections Draw Large Turnout of Vineyard Voters

Gazette Senior Writer

In a characteristic display of Island independence, voters on
Martha\'s Vineyard turned out in large numbers this week to throw
strong support to Shannon O\'Brien for governor, reject an outside
initiative to change the way their Steamship Authority governor is
appointed and elect a solid slate of conservation-minded Islanders to
the Martha\'s Vineyard Commission.

State and Local Elections Draw Large Turnout of Vineyard Voters

In a characteristic display of Island independence, voters on Martha's Vineyard turned out in large numbers this week to throw strong support to Shannon O'Brien for governor, reject an outside initiative to change the way their Steamship Authority governor is appointed and elect a solid slate of conservation-minded Islanders to the Martha's Vineyard Commission.

On This Election Day: Votes for the Farmers and Against the State

On This Election Day: Votes for the Farmers and Against the State


They went to the polls in large numbers on a sparkling autumn day.
They said they liked two farmers best for the Martha's Vineyard
Commission. They said they were unhappy with the outside meddling of the
state legislature and the city of New Bedford when it came to the
Steamship Authority.

They got involved.

Tribute Paid to Ed Tyra and Howie Andrews

The membership of the Martha's Vineyard Rod & Gun Club
paid tribute to two of its founding members at a dinner in their honor
on Wednesday night. W. Howard Andrews Jr., 79, and Edward G. Tyra, 85,
both of Edgartown, were treated to numerous accolades.

Club president Bob DeLisle stood before more than 60 people in the
clubhouse and talked about how Mr. Andrews and Mr. Tyra had long been
supporters of the club through good and bad times. They are directors

Police Seek Charges Against Parents in West Tisbury Teen Drinking Party

Against a backdrop of growing concern over use of alcohol and drugs by Vineyard teens, police will seek criminal charges against a West Tisbury couple who allegedly allowed underaged drinking to take place on their property during a teenage party last weekend off Lambert's Cove Road.

Let the Students Grade Teachers at High School

It's always been a one-way street: Students perform and
teachers judge. But some students at Martha's Vineyard Regional
High School can't wait to upend the system and put teachers'
performances under the microscope.

Sheriff's Department Deputies Seek Union for Employees at the House of Corrections

Sheriff's Department Deputies Seek Union for Employees at the
House of Corrections


Complaining of inconsistent leadership and frequent deviations from
department policies, deputies at the Edgartown House of Corrections will
vote this month to seek union representation from the Massachusetts
Correctional Officers Federated Union.

According to many current and former correctional officers,
employee-management relations inside the jail have been strained for a
long time.

Candidates Debate Land Planning Role for Martha's Vineyard Commission

Thoughtful land planning, the end game in development, difficult decisions in the name of protecting the unique qualities of the Vineyard - values, values, values. These were the central themes this week when candidates for the Martha's Vineyard Commission squared off in a public forum one week before the biennial state election.

State and Local Elections Bring Voters of Vineyard to the Polls on Tuesday

Vineyard voters will go to the polls Tuesday to help choose a new
Massachusetts governor along with nine members of the Martha's
Vineyard Commission, four county commissioners and a new district
attorney for the Cape and Islands.

Voters will also be asked to answer a series of ballot questions on
an array of issues from bilingual education to changing the way the
Island's Steamship Authority governor is appointed.

Brazilians Try to Repair Lives After Fire

Brazilians Try to Repair Lives After Fire


Three weeks after an Edgartown house fire destroyed the home of 14
Brazilians, the displaced immigrants still struggle to secure a new
foothold on the Island.

"A lot of the people are still recuperating. Much of that
money [they lost] was to get them through the winter. They are trying to
get on their feet again," said Elio Silva, a member of the
Brazilian community familiar with those who lost their home.
