Fisherman Comes Up with Largest Catch of This or Any Season

The 83-foot sea-scalloper Stanley M. Fisher, Capt. George H. Fisher of Oak Bluffs, came up with perhaps the biggest catch of this or any other season last Thursday night, the Navy’s nuclear powered submarine, the U.S.S. Nautilus.

Definite Facts on Housing Units, Their Condition, Equipment

The 1960 census of housing of the U.S. Department of Commerce counted 5,340 housing units in Dukes County. Of these:
  • 4,019 were in sound condition with all plumbing
  • 2,032 were occupied
  • 1,579 were occupied by owners
  • $10,100 was the median value of owner-occupied places
  • 456 were occupied by renters
  • $75 was the median gross rent of rented places
  • 4,499 had hot and cold running water
  • 5,019 had flush toilet, 4,827 bathtub or shower
  • 3,966 had basements
  • 4 were trailer homes

Hospital Sale Impends

The sale of the U.S. Marine Hospital property, so-called, in Vineyard Haven, to the St. Pierre School, by the Boston Seaman’s Friend Society, appears to be in the process of becoming effective at the present time according to Henry Corey, Oak Bluffs attorney, who is handling the legal part of the transaction for the New Bedford Institution for Savings.

President Kennedy Slept in Room L at Ocean View, and This Is How It Happened, Rep. Sylvia Recalls

President Kennedy Slept in Room L at Ocean View, and This Is How It Happened, Rep. Sylvia Recalls.
The Visit of young Jack Kennedy to Martha’s Vineyard as a young yachtsman in the summer of 1941 hasn’t been forgotten. The adventures of the future President and his brother began before they reached the scene of the regatta at Edgartown.

She Never Dreamed He’d Be President, Hostess of Young Jack Kennedy on Edgartown Visit Declares

“I never dreamed that boy would be President,” Mrs. Norah Fuller said on Saturday. And probably he didn’t either. She was recalling the time when “President Kennedy slept here” in her Main street, Edgartown, home.

Things Insular: Pearl Harbor Memories

There is not a particle of doubt that Vineyarders who were alive and understanding of world events on Dec. 7. 1941 found themselves yes­terday, on the twentieth anniversary of that day, remembering all sorts of circumstances. The sunny, rather brisk weather of that fateful Sunday is as clear as was the sunlight then.

Football Team Too Slow in Warm-Up

The Regional High School football team went down to its fourth defeat of the season Saturday in a game with Nantucket at War Veterans’ Memorial Park in Vineyard Haven. The score was 14 to 8.

Guidance Center to Begin Work Nov. 15

Three important steps toward responsible service to the Island were taken last weekend by The Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, Inc. On Saturday a group of seven: Rev. J. Gordon Allen, Robert J. Carroll, Rev. S. Read Chatterton, Charles E. Downs, Miss Margaret Love, Dr. Robert W. Nevin, and Mrs. John W. M. Whiting met in Edgartown for the purpose of organizing a corporation.

High Seas Not Very High Winds Not Very Strong

Vineyarders awoke this morning thoroughly bored with a hurricane called Esther.

How Grover Cleveland Landed on Vineyard in Emphatic Sense

Last week’s Gazette guessed that Grover Cleveland landed on the Vineyard more than once when he was President. Joseph E. Howes of West Tisbury supplies the information that he did - more so than the Island’s other Presidential visitors. Here is the story:
