New Owners Scoop Up Dairy Queen

Paul Beeson and Kirsten Anderson signed a deal to buy the ice cream shop on Upper Main street from Christopher Celeste in December, and since then the couple have been working with the chain’s management to get up to speed on Blizzards and Dilly Bars. 

37 North Neck Road, Edgartown

Unparalleled Chappaquiddick waterfront estate complete with deepwater dock, 300±-foot private beach, private 3-bedroom guest house and garage/barn, plus the unique added opportunity to acquire the private 17±-acre golf course adjacent, also suitable for horses or open space.

Islanders Give Beaches a Bit of Earth Day Love

Scores of beachcombers fanned out across the shores of Martha’s Vineyard on Saturday, for the 32nd annual Earth Day beach cleanup event, coordinated by the Vineyard Conservation Society.

Walking, and Talking, to Raise Awareness About Sexual Assault

Parents, children, dogs and Islanders of all ages congregated in Ocean park Saturday morning to take part in the CONNECT to End Violence walk to raise awareness around sexual assault.

Little League Celebrates Start of a New Season

Sirens blared in celebration on Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs Saturday to signal Martha’s Vineyard Little League’s opening day ceremonies.

Court Denies Nantucket Group's Appeal of Vineyard Wind

In a 36-page opinion Wednesday, a panel of judges with the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals denied the ACK for Whales group claim, which sought to halt the project currently being constructed about 14 miles to the Vineyard’s south.

Wild Turkey Hunting Season Begins

Wild turkey hunting season begins today, April 29, and runs through May 25, running a half hour before sunrise until noon each day except Sundays.

On the Waterfront, Getting Ready for the Season

Beside the winch shed, in front of the parking lot at Gannon and Benjamin Marine Railway in Vineyard Haven, the boatyard stores its blocking.

Aquinnah Candidates Take on Budget and Tax Questions

Before about 20 people at the Aquinnah town hall, incumbent Thomas Murphy and challenger Jannette Vanderhoop answered voter queries, weighed in on their experience and explained their vision for the town.

Say Goodbye to Jupiter

The brightest planet in our evening sky is about to disappear, or for many of us, it is already gone. The brilliant planet Jupiter is getting so close to the western horizon after sunset you may miss it. Jupiter was a sentinel in our evening sky for so many many months, going back to autumn.

Jupiter is about to be hidden by the glow of the sun and won't be visible again until summer, when it appears in the morning sky. Certainly the earliest you'll see Jupiter is at the end of May, at dawn, in the morning sky.
