Silver Linings is the theme for the next community art show at Featherstone Center for the Arts, opening April 5. The Art of Flowers follows in May.
Featherstone Center for the Arts
Art shows


On Saturday, August 6, at 8 p.m. leave the world of land and sky and go deep under the sea. Be prepared to watch with awe and a fair bit of concern. Our oceans are places of mystery and grandeur but they are also like the proverbial canary in the coal mine, visual bellwethers for the assault on nature being wrought by global warming and other man-made issues.


Chickadees flit through the chicory as wrens weave through rugosa, and monarchs quake the milkweed with each tremor of their small wings. But this isn’t where the wild things are — rather, it’s Periwinkle Studio in the Arts District of Oak Bluffs.

Judy Drew Schubert, the owner, opened her gallery to the public three weeks ago, giving these creatures the gift of flight and of widespread appreciation.


In an ever more digitized world, Mitzi Pratt and Flip Scipio still work by hand. On separate levels of their two-story Moshup Trail studio, these artisans rely not on machines but on their knowledge, skill and experience. Though their mediums are different — Ms. Pratt is a bookbinder and Mr. Scipio makes guitars — their work sometimes overlaps, each feeding the other’s.


Chilmark artist Jules S. Worthington believes the creativity that drives him is fundamental. It is the breath of life, in good times and not so good times.

His home off Tea Lane overflows with signs of it. Every wall, from the kitchen to the den, has his paintings on display. They are bright, big and colorful.


Jessica Pisano once owned the Belushi-Pisano Art Gallery in Vineyard Haven and Edgartown. She now paints full-time in Newport, Rhode Island. The results of this change to complete immersion in her art can be seen this week, July 28 through August 3, at the Dragonfly Gallery in Oak Bluffs where she will be the featured artist.

Ms. Pisano incorporates gold and silver leaf, acrylic and oil on board in her landscapes of Island marshes and seascapes.


All the Island’s an Art Show

There is art being made on Martha’s Vineyard Island. Or to be more precise, there is a lot of wonderful art being made here. And while there are numerous galleries to visit, and some days an Islandwide gallery crawl is the perfect vacation experience, other times you just want everyone to come to you.
