Noah Asimow
An epidemiologist studying how the Vineyard has fared over the past 15 months said the low death tally is more than a statistical anomaly.
Maia Coleman
Dukes County continues to have the highest positivity rate in the state, Tisbury remains in the red and hospital officials are pushing vaccinations in the run-up to summer.
Noah Asimow
Island health officials are ramping up their vaccination efforts, with the Covid-19 mobile vaccine bus making a return to the Island this weekend and separate pop-up clinics scheduled at two more rural locations on the Island.
Maia Coleman
The Martha’s Vineyard boards of health reported one new case of Covid-19 from last week, the lowest weekly case load since the pandemic began, marking a milestone in the Island’s battle against the virus.


The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital signed up 544 more Islanders for vaccine appointments Monday, after registration eligibility was expanded to include teachers.

The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital announced that Island teachers and child care workers can sign up for vaccine appointments starting Monday, March 8, after Gov. Charlie Baker opened up vaccines to all state educators in a surprise move Wednesday morning.

With state and Island Covid-19 cases in sharp decline, Gov. Charlie Baker has forged ahead with the state’s slow reopening process, moving to expand capacity at indoor venues starting March 1.

A chaotic weekend that initially saw Islanders shut out of vaccines culminated with the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital filling 900 appointments.

The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital’s smooth vaccine rollout took a sudden turn on Saturday, after the hospital received zero new Covid-19 vaccine doses from the state.

After thousands rushed to register for a vaccine appointment last weekend, hospital officials said they would continue to open new slots on a weekly basis every Saturday at 8 a.m.
