A disemboweled deer fawn carcass was found late last week near the Edgartown Water Company station at Wintucket, further confirming the presence of a coyote on Martha’s Vineyard.
The Vineyard has had its second confirmed sighting of a live Eastern coyote — the first sighting in at least three years — Island wildlife biologist Gus Ben David 2nd said Wednesday.
The recent report of another coyote washing up on the Vineyard’s north shore prompts a few observations on the prospects of the coyote establishing a population here.
A dead coyote was found washed ashore early this week on Lambert's Cove Beach, the second coyote to wash up in that location this year. An Island naturalist said the coyote likely came from Naushon, which hosts a large population of coyotes, and drowned.
As sorry as Mark Twain described coyotes in Roughing It may appear, there seems to be little sympathy for coyotes on Martha’s Vineyard.
A coyote washed up on Lambert's Cove Beach on Friday, reigniting theories about one or two living on the Island. But experts believe this coyote drifted over from the Elizabeth Islands.