Prodded by a superior court judge, the Dukes County commission this week approved funds to restore wheelchair access to the courthouse.
Prodded by a superior court judge, the Dukes County commission this week approved funds to restore wheelchair access to the courthouse.
A county resolution setting $15 minimum wage for contractors complicates an agreement with The Trustees of Reservations to manage Norton Point Beach.
Escalating concern about the heroin epidemic, and how the Island is dealing with support for addicts and their families, was discussed.
Dukes county commissioners applauded airport commission chairman Myron Garfinkle during their meeting Wednesday evening, after Mr. Garfinkle offered a rosy progress report.
It was a 10-year tenure that began and ended in controversy, with enough plot twists in the middle to fill a Victorian novel. Sean Flynn, then acting manager, was named manager of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport in December 2005.
A new home for the Center for Living is a step closer to reality, after the Dukes County Commission voted last week to borrow money to buy the former Vineyard Nursing Association building.