The U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) are holding a public information meeting in New Bedford today, July 17, about proposed offshore wind energy projects in the Massachusetts-Rhode Island wind energy area.

West Tisbury is on the road to becoming a Green Community.

The town is in the final stages of creating a plan to reduce energy use by 20 per cent over the next five years, with the goal of becoming designated a Green Community under the 2008 state Green Communities Act. The designation allows towns to receive special grant funding for energy efficiency studies and improvements to town buildings, among other things.

The town of Tisbury is pursuing the same designation.

Energy Stardom

Squash Meadow Construction Inc. (squashmeadow.com) recently completed another Energy Star qualified home. The home, owned by Jennifer Slosberg and located on Beech Road in Chilmark, underwent rigorous inspections in order to qualify as an Energy Star home. Squash Meadow Construction Inc., an Energy Star partner and LEED AP (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional) specializes in affordable green building.


The Edgartown Wastewater Facility has been named the recipient of the New England Water Environment Association’s 2011 Energy Management Achievement Award for its efforts to reduce energy use in the treatment of wastewater.

Facilities manager Joe Alosso has utilized more than $300,000 in state and federal grants to fund cost-saving improvements at the treatment plant.

mitch posin

Five years ago Mitchell Posin and Clarissa Allen had a vision: of sheep grazing under a windmill that powered their Chilmark farm. It was a vision of a working farm functioning with clean energy, from the grass the sheep ate to the compost tea they helped produce to the wind that spun the turbine.

On Monday morning that vision became reality when a 149-foot turbine was installed at the farm, the largest turbine to date on the Island.

Once it is fully operational, the windmill will produce 125,000 kilowatt hours per year.

The following letter was sent to the Edgartown selectmen:

The Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society, founded in 1859, has had as its mission these many years to improve breeds, promote agriculture and educate in the “mechanic and domestic arts.” We currently have over 1,200 dues-paying members, many of whom are Edgartown citizens, and our affairs are administered by a 16-member board of trustees. At our meeting on Jan. 12 the board unanimously voted to instruct me to send this letter to you.
