Bill Eville
I received an email recently that began: “I found the fierce bison underpants.”


The other night, while picking out a Christmas tree with my family, an older man approached me, holding a bouquet of holly branches. “I’m in love with your wife,” he told me.

I was talking to a fellow dad the other day, the two of us sharing a beer on the porch. “Do you think it’s more sad or weird when a kid leaves home?” my friend asked.


For a big man, Steve Myrick did not loom. Instead, he listened.


I am driving with my son Hardy on I-95 south, headed for our first college tour. Hardy is 17, a senior in high school.

I received an email recently that began: “I found the fierce bison underpants.”

You never forget your first library, especially the one you walk to on your own, step through the doors with no adults trailing you, and enter a world of books with your brand new library card.
