For more than 30 years the Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Gun Club has held fly tying classes for fishermen of all levels.


About 10 per cent of the derby’s registrants are signed up for the fly rod division this year. 


The waves were screaming one fall morning south of the Vineyard when Capt. Jennifer Clarke landed a big one. Alone on her Boston Whaler, the 40-pounder had broken her rod.



David Nash of Edgartown was in the process of explaining how artificial fly lures are made when a neighboring fisherman’s rod bowed toward the water. A distinct whirring sound zipped through the air and the angler’s line raced out into Edgartown Harbor.

Mr. Nash looked up.

“That’s the sound of an albie.”



They meet in the deep of winter and talk about summer fishing. Though the temperature outside is in the 20s on this Monday night and icicles hang from the eaves, the room inside the Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club in Edgartown is infused with the warmth of a July day on the water with the sun beating down and the false albacore running off the Menemsha jetty. This is fly-tying night, and it has been going on every Monday night here since January.