The air was sweet at the Agricultural Hall on Saturday morning, for many reasons: the freshly cut Jack-o'-lanterns, the spray of the cider press, the fumes of antique diesel, the autumn leaves.
The air was sweet at the Agricultural Hall on Saturday morning, for many reasons: the freshly cut Jack-o'-lanterns, the spray of the cider press, the fumes of antique diesel, the autumn leaves.
Break out your pumpkins, squash and wild squirrel meat.
Hundreds gathered for the annual Living Local Harvest Festival, a celebration of sustainable living held each fall on the grounds of the Agricultural Society in West Tisbury.
Part expo, part music fest, part symposium, the Living Local Harvest Festival runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sept. 23.
The theme of the 17th annual Living Local Harvest Festival was reduce, reuse, recycle.
Visitors sporting rain boots and slickers turned out for Saturday’s Living Local Harvest Festival at the Agricultural Hall. The festival celebrated all things local with booths and lectures showcasing local food and educational programs.