Phyllis Meras
Hens’ gravestones, a scrimshaw toothpick, a spittoon of General Grant’s, a plank from the Constitution and a spanker for naughty boys are among the many curiosities on display at the Duke’s Count
Noah Asimow
After nearly a decade of planning, two years of construction, over $30 million raised, and the restoration of exactly 1,008 refractors on the Fresnel lens, the Martha’s Vineyard Museum is open to the public in Vineyard Haven.


Bequest to the Dukes County Historical Society by Miss Ethelinda Mayhew of the historic Squire Cooke house which was her home in Edgartown, became known this week with the filing of Miss Mayhew’s will at the registry of probate. Miss Mayhew’s interest in the house was subject to the will of her brother, the late Horace Mayhew, and there are two other heirs in addition to the historical society, Mrs. Gertrude Kimrod of South Tacoma, Washington, and another niece of Miss Mayhew whose whereabouts are not known.


“Old Ironsides,” the frigate Constitution, and the most famous of an ship to fly the American flag, was built by a Vineyard man. Furthermore, the head foreman under the builder was also from this Island. These facts are established by historical and genealogical research, recently carried on by the Dukes County Historical Society and by other interested persons, notably F. G. Hillman of New Bedford. Much connecting evidence has been supplied by William J. Rotch and Mrs.


The third volume of the History of Martha’s Vineyard by Dr. Charles Edward Banks gives lovers of the Island access to a store of valuable information and reminds them again how fortunate the Island is in its historian. Volume Three, long anticipated and at last auspiciously published under the seal of the Dukes County Historical Society, is devoted to family genealogies.


The first meeting of the Dukes County Historical Society, for purpose of organization, was held at the Public Library, Oak Bluffs, on Monday afternoon, Oct. 23rd, Mr. Marshall Shepard presiding. The meeting adopted by-laws and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Marshal Shepard; 1st Vice President, William J. Rotch; 2nd Vice President, Ulysses E. Mayhew; Secretary and Treasurer, Francis A. Foster.
To the already exceedingly valuable and interesting collection stored in the rooms of the Historical Society there have been added further treasures which are interestingly described below:


Representatives of the Vineyard Libraries met at the Oak Bluffs Library on April 21st for the purpose of forming a collection of Vineyard literature for use by the County’s Public Libraries. The Committee organized as follows: President, Mr. Marshall Shepard; Editor, Dr. Charles E. Banks; Treasurer, Mr. Walter Ripley; Secretary, Mrs. Johnson Whiting.
