The Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship is concluding its sixth successful year of investing in people and organizations on the Island.

Tony Lima

She’s a Maine native who is trying to save much of the Island’s shellfish population. He’s a Vineyard high school student with a passion for sustainability.

From shell recyclers to waste-management aficionados, seven Vineyarders have been named recipients of prestigious Island fellowships, receiving funding for individual educational and professional endeavors. But the entire Island will also benefit from the awards, with the fellows pledging to use their knowledge and experience to better Island sustainability.


Three new fellows have been selected for the Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship, a program established in 2006 by the Kohlberg family to further sustainability efforts on the Island; they are Micah Agnoli, Wesley Look and Taza Vercruysse. Vision fellows receive financial support to study and work in a variety of areas vital to a sustainable future for the Island, including renewable energy and alternative transportation, farm to school and sustainable agriculture, conservation biology and fisheries management, green architecture, elderly services and healthcare.
