Elizabeth Bennett
Singer/songwriter Willy Mason spent New Year’s Eve 2019 at Signal Corps Recording in Brooklyn.


It was a dream that inspired Island resident Dr. Peter Halperin to record his forthcoming album, Bring On The Storm.


Musicians Charlotte Rose Benjamin and Zoe Zeeman have been friends since birth. Soon they head out on tour together for Charlotte's latest album, Dreamtina.

Home with Molly and Mark, a 19-track collaboration between Island musicians Molly Conole and Mark Alan Lovewell, releases this Sunday with an album party at 7 p.m. at Island Music in Vineyard Haven.


In the mountain range of German art songs, spanning the middle ages to modern times, Franz Schubert’s Winterreise (Winter Journey) stands out as one of the pinnacles.

Singer/songwriter Willy Mason spent New Year’s Eve 2019 at Signal Corps Recording in Brooklyn. At 11:30 p.m., he, producer Noel Heroux, and sound engineer Rachel Alina completed mixing the songs that would become Mason’s new album, Already Dead. It was a good way to end one decade and usher in a new one.

Then the global pandemic hit.

The Island-wide Covid Monologues project holds its final community reading event Saturday on Zoom.
