Will the NRC ever close Pilgrim? The apparent answer to that overarching question, despite the endless stream of disturbing news, is no.
Will the NRC ever close Pilgrim? The apparent answer to that overarching question, despite the endless stream of disturbing news, is no.
Island activists and local lawmakers say they will keep the pressure on Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station owners to decommission the aging boiling water reactor quickly and safely, following a decision to close the plant.
If there’s trouble at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant and it blows that way it will just destroy the regenerated heath hen and the new oyster farm near Eastville Beach.
With the Pilgrim nuclear power plant now operating on an extended license and three of the same vintage and design General Electric reactors at Fukushima still dangerously out of control, I think it is worthwhile reviewing just what the federal government’s rationale for spawning the commercial nuclear power industry was in the first place.
Having lived for 35 years downwind of the Indian Point (IP) nuclear station on the shores of the Hudson River in New York, and teaching physical science at a college nearby, our proximity to Entergy’s Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth has alarmed me, especially since the Fukushima catastrophe three years ago.
Activists from Cape Cod who are pushing for the closure of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth brought their cause to the Island at a public forum early this week. Fukushima was a wake-up call, they said.