A book talk on Wednesday by Alan Dershowitz at the West Tisbury Library drew a small group of protesters over Mr. Dershowitz’s links to Jeffrey Epstein.
A book talk on Wednesday by Alan Dershowitz at the West Tisbury Library drew a small group of protesters over Mr. Dershowitz’s links to Jeffrey Epstein.
Island men took a stand along the Vineyard Haven seawall Saturday afternoon in the eighth annual demonstration against domestic violence. The event was organized by Connect to End Violence, a program of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.
Women, families with young children, husbands and grandparents gathered at Five Corners on Tuesday to rally for abortion rights.
Each student held a handmade sign. The youthful handwriting and marker-inked pictures of penguins, turtles and polar bears belied the gravity of their message.
“Love your planet. Our life matters. Think about your life and children,” Edgartown School fifth grader Kahlia Nascimento’s sign said in Portuguese.
Island men stood atop the Beach Road sea wall in Vineyard Haven Saturday morning for the seventh annual demonstration against domestic violence.
More than 350 people gathered at Five Corners in Vineyard Haven Saturday morning to join a nationwide protest against U.S. immigration policies.