Regional high school principal Steven Nixon presented a $16.6 million draft operating budget to a school subcommittee Monday night, a 1.01 percent increase over last year. Even with many staff and faculty receiving contractual step increases this year, the budget remains nearly flat due to retirements and the elimination of the home economics program.


A $16.4 million Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School budget for 2009, a 1.7 per cent increase on the previous year, was certified by the high school committee Monday in a 9-1 vote.

The budget cuts five and two fifths positions at the high school, in English and math, assistant in special education, custodial and driver’s education. Additionally, Mr. Nixon eliminated two fifths of a bus driving position.


High School Budget in Limbo as Special Meeting Plans Stall


In a political maneuver intended to draw the attention of the state,
selectmen in three Island towns this week indicated they may
intentionally leave the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School
without a budget for the coming fiscal year.

The unusual tactic comes as part of an ongoing controversy over how
towns divide their regional school district costs.

High School Budget Must Be Redone


The Martha's Vineyard Regional High School budget now goes
back to the drawing board.

This is the next step following the vote in Oak Bluffs this week to
reduce its high school assessment by some $400,000. The vote capped
months of debate among Island towns over regional school assessments,
which were thrown into a state of widespread confusion because of a
14-year-old state law that for unknown reasons had never been enforced
on the Vineyard until this year.


Dwindling state aid and rising insurance costs are fueling a regional high school budget that will cost Island taxpayers $11.6 million next year.

Soaring health insurance costs combined with deep cuts in state aid
could force Island taxpayers to bankroll a regional high school budget
that's nearly 12 per cent higher than this year.
