Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School students continue to perform well on the SATs, posting scores higher than state and national averages in all three subsets of the test this year.
Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School students continue to perform well on the SATs, posting scores higher than state and national averages in all three subsets of the test this year.
The same high school class that set records on the MCAS tests two years ago has made history on another standardized test.
The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) scores of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High school class of 2013 show they outperformed all previous classes as well as many of their peers statewide, Director of Guidance Michael McCarthy told the high school committee Monday evening.
SAT scores at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School were above the national average in 2012 in the three areas of critical reading, writing and math, high school guidance director Michael McCarthy said this week.
Mr. McCarthy gave his annual report on SAT scores to the high school district committee on Monday night.
On average, Vineyard students performed better than their state peers in all areas except math, where they were behind by five points, Mr. McCarthy said.
Grace Gordon, a student leader and varsity athlete at Williams College class of 2012, has been selected to launch the Martha’s Vineyard branch of Ivy Insiders, an innovative SAT prep program that was started by undergraduates at Harvard in 2003 and has since grown into a national test prep leader thanks to the highest student score improvements in the industry.
SAT scores at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School have dipped below the Massachusetts average, according to a report submitted to the high school committee this week by guidance director Michael McCarthy.
More Students, Higher Scores: High School Cracks SAT Exam
Efforts to improve SAT scores at the Martha's Vineyard
Regional High School are apparently paying off.
For the second consecutive year the graduating class of seniors
posted the school's best average scores on both the verbal and
math sections of the key college entrance exam. The class of 2004 also
had the highest percentage of Vineyard students to ever take the test
- with 152 of 181 graduates, or 84 per cent, giving up a Saturday
morning to put their No. 2 pencils to work.