Noah Asimow
South Beach has reopened after a shark sighting closed the popular Edgartown beach to swimming earlier Tuesday. Edgartown parks department director Jessica McGroarty said that the sighting occurred at 12:15 p.m.


It has been estimated that the chance of getting attacked and killed by a shark are 1 in 3,748,067.

South Beach in Edgartown was closed Wednesday morning after a hammerhead shark was seen swimming in the water near shore. A biplane pilot confirmed the sighting.


In the case of the brown shark, you probably won’t ‘need a bigger boat.’ 


The juvenile basking shark washed up in the surf on Menemsha Beach Sunday, attracting onlookers. Later scientists arrived to perform a necropsy that will contribute to shark research as a whole.

“Open wide and say ahh!” This is one fish that would be a dentist’s dream. It wasn’t a dentist who found a dead basking shark at Menemsha Beach last weekend.

A dead shark turned up in the surf at Menemsha Beach Sunday afternoon, attracting a small crowd of gawkers. Word about the shark first surfaced when Menemsha Texaco sent out a picture via Instagram.
