Lynne Irons
We’ve had a series of very warm days. It seems a little unseasonable for May on the Vineyard.
Vineyard Gardener
Lynne Irons
I thoroughly enjoyed the rainy, stormy weekend.
Vineyard Gardener
Lynne Irons
The end of last week delivered some of my favorite spring weather — cool, rainy and foggy.
Vineyard Gardener


A bunch of red tulips

It’s finally happened.

I feel like a broken record. For several weeks now, I have absolutely no interesting garden news to report. Bear with me as I make a feeble attempt.

Wow, that was some serious snow last Sunday afternoon.

It doesn’t seem fair that the entire East Coast got snow on Monday except us.

After years of pressure from family members, I finally put in back-up heating.

The past week’s sunny 40-degree days drove me out into the vegetable garden.
