Lynne Irons
We’ve had a series of very warm days. It seems a little unseasonable for May on the Vineyard.
Vineyard Gardener
Lynne Irons
I thoroughly enjoyed the rainy, stormy weekend.
Vineyard Gardener
Lynne Irons
The end of last week delivered some of my favorite spring weather — cool, rainy and foggy.
Vineyard Gardener


Too bad the weather does not respond to criticism because it’s been getting plenty of it lately.

There is no need to ramp up for the harvest if it is wild leeks that you seek.

Is it just me or have we had an inordinate amount of rain and wind?

Monday’s nearly perfect spring day had folks out puttering in their yards.

I don’t know how I ever went to work. I spend the entire day fussing around my house and yard.

Recently, on one of those absolutely perfect early spring days, I realized the sky has not been so blue and clear since the days following 9/11.
